Onramps Lane 3

To support faculty members in developing a scholarly path, experienced investigators have agreed to serve as mentors on a research project leading to publication. Members of an Onramp group participate in data collection, analysis, and manuscript writing leading to co-authorship. If you are interested in joining one or more Onramp group, please contact Ellen Foley to register. Recruitment for onramps begin every fall semester.

Current Projects

Leader: Jean Bernhardt

Collaborators: Support in concept from SON Climate Center leadership, Patrice Nicholas and Suellen Breakey

Question: What is the breadth/extent of evidence in the literature associating social determinants of health with heat-related illnesses in the context of climate change?

Project Stage: Currently establishing eligibility criteria and have conducted preliminary searches of databases.  Meeting with IHP librarian at end of August to finalize search, scan lists, and identify studies to include.

Scholarly Impact: Application/Teaching and Learning/Discovery

Experience Needed: Interest in climate change, heat-related illnesses, and impact of social determinants of health. Comfort working in shared electronic documents.

Time Commitment: 1-2 hours per week through manuscript submission and then TBD until manuscript acceptance. 


  • 8/25/23 Database searches completed. Relevant studies identified. 
  • 9/1/23 Studies to be included selected. Three prioritized journals for manuscript submission determined.
  • 10/1/23 Meeting with interested participants to review project and timelines
  • 10/15/23 Data collection-Identification of additional studies by participants
  • 10/15/23 Data collection-Charting the studies
  • 11/15/23 Data analysis-Summarizing and reporting results of studies; Synthesis of available literature and identification of gaps in literature
  • 1/15/24 Manuscript drafting
  • 2/15/24 Manuscript editing
  • 3/1/24 Manuscript submission
  • TBD Manuscript revisions as needed

Product: Manuscript submitted for publication. Compilation of references that can be used for future systematic review.  List of available references for others interested in climate related topics and social determinants of health.

Roles for Co-Authors

  • Literature Review - identification of additional studies that they are aware of through non-database searches to be included.
  • Data Collection - Charting the studies
  • Data Analysis - Summarizing and reporting results of studies; Synthesis of available literature and identification of gaps in literature.
  • Manuscript Drafting
  • Manuscript Editing
  • Manuscript Revisions as needed

Leaders: Eleonor Pusey-Reid

Collaborators: Adela Jimenez

Question: Conduct an Integrative Review - How does integrating emotional intelligence as a selection metric impact the effectiveness of prelicensure nursing program admissions? 

Project Stage: Start

Scholarly Impact: Application/Teaching and Learning/Discovery

Experience Needed: Writing.

Time Commitment: One hour per week for 7 months

Timeline: 9 months

Product: Manuscript

Roles for Co-Authors

  • Literature Review
  • Manuscript Drafting
  • Manuscript Editing

Leaders: Kimberly Truong, Callie Watkins Liu, and Laura Wolford

Question: We have data from the previous 3 years of having hosted PPP online. We plan to analyze the data on learning about PPP.  

Project Stage: Start

Scholarly Impact: Application/Teaching and Learning

Experience Needed: Interest in JEDI and qualitative methods.

Time Commitment: Two to five hours per month

Timeline: 10 months

Product: Manuscript and conference presentations.

Roles for Co-Authors

  • Research Design
  • Literature Review
  • Data Analysis
  • Manuscript Drafting
  • Manuscript Editing

Past Projects

Leader: Suellen Breakey

Question: The purpose of this group would be to provide more robust analysis of the accuracy of the tool in clinical settings

Project Stage: This is a second phase of the screening tool development. Manuscript that describes tool and its application is under review.

Scholarly Impact: Application

Experience Needed: Some familiarity with research or experience with tool development would be helpful.

Time Commitment: The group will meet for 60 minutes every other week. Some work outside meetings will be necessary.

Product: Manuscript submission by July 1, 2023

Leaders: Linda Evans (1st author) and Patrice K. Nicholas


Question: Climate change is the most critical public health issue of our time. In order to provide holistic care to patients, families, and communities, healthcare professionals must achieve competence regarding the health consequences of climate change. As this topic was not included in most current practitioners' formal education, the knowledge and skills regarding the health consequences of climate change must be attained through subsequent learning opportunities. 

Explicating and comprehensively synthesizing the full scope of available continuing education opportunities specific to the health consequences of climate change, including content, pedagogy, and format, will provide a resource from which healthcare professionals may select meaningful, evidence-based professional development opportunities to ensure their competence. 

Project Stage: Inception

Scholarly Impact: Application/Teaching and Learning

Experience Needed: Prior experience reviewing and synthesizing literature using a matrix format is helpful but not necessary.

Time Commitment: Two hours per week

Product: The goal and date for submission for publication will be discussed with the team at the initial meeting. The estimate is May 2023.

Leader: Rita Olans

Question: What skills employed by practicing nurses in antimicrobial stewardship practice need reinforcement in prelicensure education and what teaching methods are best to reinforce these?

Stage: We have identified the skills necessary for nurses to fully practice stewardship activities, have designed a survey for nurse educators to identify where these skills are currently being taught, identified goals for deliverables for this project, and have planned to target at least one journal.

Scholarly Impact: Application/Teaching and Learning

Experience Needed: Teaching about infection and transmission

Time Commitment: 2-4 hours/week, more as the manuscript is being written and edited

•    5 teaching methods identified, with pre/post testing tools designed and validated, and ready for an educator to implement
•    Recordings on how to implement these methods for the journal Nurse Educator 
•    A manuscript(s) targeted to the Nurse Educator

Timeline: Teaching methods recorded, manuscript(s) submitted with revisions completed – May 1, 2023.

Leader: Clara Gona

Question: This paper will be about the lessons I learned as I navigated the gate keepers to enable me to conduct research in an African immigrant community

Stage: Literature search. 

Scholarly Impact :Discovery

Experience Needed: Writing for publication

Time Commitment: 2-4 hours/month

Products: Manuscript to be submitted to the Journal of Transcultural Nursing/Immigrant and Minority Health

Timeline: Sept to March. Manuscript submission by April 2023

Leader: Eleonor Pusey-Reid

Question: Applying the Framework of Social Justice to guide the Integration

Stage: Starting

Scholarly Impact: Teaching and Learning

Previous Experience: None

Time Commitment: Initially meeting once, a week for 1 hour

Products: Publication

Timeline: Get a manuscript out within the Fall semester.

Leader: Rebecca R. Hill

Question: The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effect of frenotomy for the treatment of tongue-tie using a comprehensive assessment of gastrointestinal symptoms and the gut microbiome. In breastfed infants with tongue-tie who are less than four months old and undergoing frenotomy at an outpatient pediatric dental practice, I aim to:

  1. Describe changes in infant gastrointestinal symptoms, as measured by the NeoEAT and GIGER scales, pre-and post-frenotomy.
  2. Evaluate infant gut microbiome pre- and post-frenotomy.
  3. Examine the relationship between tongue-tie severity, infant feeding, and gastrointestinal symptoms

Stage: Data collection

Scholarly Impact: Discovery 

Previous Experience: Scholarly writing, writing for publication

Time Commitment: 2-3 hours/week

Products: Manuscript, presentation, data for subsequent extramural grant funding

Timeline: Complete data collection by December 2022, submit for publication by May 2023 

Leader: Patricia Reidy

Existing collaborators: Kathy Sabo, (Project Director)

Question: What are the best practices to establish a nurse-led mobile service in the community?

Stage: We received federal funding (HRSA) on 7.6.22  to establish a nurse led mobile service in the community This project is in an early stage of development since we are in the planning stages for the grant during this Fall semester.  We have the grant proposal as a starting point for the manuscript but need to conduct a formal literature review of best practices for community engagement and mobile health services. 

Scholarly Impact: Teaching and Learning

Experience needed: Familiarity with Coevidence is a plus but not essential. 

Time Commitment: 4-8 hours per month

Products: Publication in a nursing or interprofessional journal

Leaders: Patrice Nicholas and Bradley White

Question: What is the experience of those who have migrated due to climate change in the northeastern US?

Scholarly Impact: Discovery

Project Stage: Inception

Experience Needed: Interest in climate change and health

Time Commitment: 2 hours per week

Product: Manuscript

Leader: Rebecca Hill

Question: Does frenotomy to correct lip- and/or tongue-tie improve symptoms of feeding problems and speech intelligibility in children?

Scholarly Impact: Application

Project Stage: Data collection

Experience Needed: Interest in pediatric health

Time Commitment: 2 hours per week

Product: Manuscript and presentation

Leader: Janice Palaganas

Question: Faculty experiences creating and maintaining inclusive and anti-oppressive learning environments

Scholarly Impact: Teaching and Learning

Project Stage: First stage of three

Experience Needed: Writing and editing experience, comfort with online applications

Time Commitment: 10 hours per week in fall

Product: Manuscript

Leader: Janice Palaganas

Question: What are the learning outcomes in global outreach/exchange experience programs?

Scholarly Impact: Teaching and Learning

Project Stage: Inception

Experience Needed: Writing and editing experience, comfort with online applications

Time Commitment: 6 hours per week in spring

Product: Manuscript

Leader: Janice Palaganas

Question: Faculty meeting experiences in Zoom versus Spatial—a virtual reality platform

Scholarly Impact: Teaching and Learning

Project Stage: First stage of three

Experience Needed: Writing and editing experience, comfort with online applications

Time Commitment: 8 hours per week in fall

Product: Manuscript

Leader: Suzan Kardong-Edgren

Question: How is the DASH tool being used in other countries and cultures? 

Scholarly Impact: Teaching and Learning

Project Stage: Planning

Experience Needed: Quantitative and or qualitative research experience

Time Commitment: 8 hours per month

Product: Manuscript and presentations

Leaders: Eleonor Pusey-Reid and Pat Reidy

Question: Are we competent in caring for patients if we have only learned to care for a segment of the population?

Scholarly Impact: Teaching and learning

Project Stage: Inception

Experience Needed: Willingness to learn and receive support through the process

Time Commitment:  2 to 4 hours per week in the fall semester

Product: Manuscript

Leader: Abraham Ndiwane

Question: What are the challenges that SON alumni face engaging with diversity issues?

Scholarly impact: Teaching and learning

Project stage: Conducting focus groups

Experience needed: Research design, data coding and analysis

Time commitment: 2 hours per week

Product: Manuscript and conference presentations

Leader: Mary Hildebrand, OT Faculty

Research Question(s)

1) What conditions and chronic conditions are patients experiencing post-Covid-19? 
2) What existing rehabilitation interventions may be effective in treating those conditions and chronic conditions that are a result of Covid-19? 

Roles for co-authors

  • Literature review
  • Manuscript drafting
  • Manuscript editing

Intended outcome: Program development for IMPACT Practice Center to implement with clients who have had Covid-19; Manuscripts on conditions and evidence-based rehabilitation strategies for clients post-Covid-19 that are targeted to specific health care professions.

Timeline: One year

Current stage: Idea phase

Area of impact: Application

Previous experience: Beginning Research Skills

Time Commitment: Two one-hour Zoom meetings per month; one to two hours per week for literature review

Leader: Patrice Nicholas, SON faculty

Research Question: What are the impacts of climate change on vulnerable populations related to mental health?

Roles for co-authors

  • Literature review
  • Development of Research Idea
  • Determine if a qualitative research study or scoping/systematic review

Intended outcome: Manuscript for publication if integrative/scoping/systematic review or manuscript of research findings if qualitative study

Timeline:  Manuscript for publication in one year if integrative/scoping/systematic review. If research study, 1) develop research protocol in fall 2020, submit protocol by January 2021, conduct research April-June 2021, write results and submit manuscript by September 2021.

Current stage: Idea.

Area of impact: Application

Previous experience: Only a passion for learning more about the health consequences of climate change

Time Commitment: Approximately 3-4 hours per week and attendance at bi-weekly meetings

Leader: Elissa Ladd, SON faculty

Research Question(s)

1) To describe the demographic, social, and health characteristics of the population of residents residing at the Chelsea/Revere non-congregate shelter during the Spring of 2020. 

2) To explore the fit of this data with an available predictive algorithm for residents in high risk housing.  

Roles for co-authors

  • Literature review
  • Data collection
  • Data analysis
  • Manuscript drafting
  • Manuscript editing

Intended outcome: Two papers submitted for publication​

Timeline: Fall and early spring

Current stage: Beginning

Area of impact: Discovery

Previous experience: This will depend on their role.  If they are working on the literature review or manuscript editing, a new researcher could work on that portion.  Data analysis or manuscript drafting would be suited for a researcher with some level of experience. 

Time Commitment: This is a quick turn around project so most of the work will have to occur in the fall and early spring. At least one day a week in the fall.


Leader: Patrice Nicholas, SON Faculty


Research Question: What are the health implications of climate change on health in vulnerable populations: socioeconomic, children, women, elderly, chronically ill?

Roles for co-authors

  • Literature review
  • Manuscript drafting
  • Manuscript editing

Intended outcome: Program development, delivery, and dissemination in presentation and publication

Timeline: One year

Current stage: Idea phase

Area of impact: Application

Previous experience: A passion for addressing health consequences in our climate-changing world!

Time Commitment: 3-4 hours per week


Leader: Abraham Ndiwane, SON faculty


Research Question: Does the use of simulation increase cultural humility in health professions students?

Roles for co-authors

  • Research design: qualitative coding & developing common themes
  • Literature review
  • Data analysis
  • Manuscript drafting
  • Manuscript editing

Intended outcome: Publish a manuscript

Timeline:  Submit a manuscript by May 2020

Current stage: We have collected qualitative data (n=182) on student responses during health assessment interviews with standardized patients.

Area of impact: Scholarship of Teaching & Learning

Previous experience: Writing & editing

Time Commitment: About 2 hours a week


Leader: Elissa Ladd, SON faculty

Research Question: This is policy analysis. The aim is to analyze regulatory and practice trends in advanced practice nursing in the six WHO world regions. In particular, we will focus on educational trends and practice foci such as oncology and mental health. Also, we may correlate trends with advances in universal health care.

Roles for co-authors

  • Literature review
  • Data collection
  • Manuscript drafting
  • Manuscript editing

Intended outcome: Two papers submitted for publication​

Timeline: 2019-2020 academic year

Current stage: Later stages – organizing data into thematic areas in order to start writing.

Area of impact: Application

Previous experience: None except for writing skills

Time Commitment: 1-2 hours per week


Leader: Andrea Fairman, OT faculty


Research Questions

  • How can the use of electronic databases best enhance student learning? (focus on interprofessional collaboration)
  • How can electronic databases serve as effective and efficient teaching tools?
  • Which features and functions of the existing databases are most valuable for stakeholders (students, faculty, staff & clients)? / Which need to be improved?

Roles for co-authors

  • Research design
  • Literature review
  • Data collection
  • Data analysis
  • Manuscript drafting
  • Manuscript editing


Fall 2019

September – October: literature review, develop detailed methods, including data collection tools, surveys and focus group scripts

October – November: submit IRB

November – early December: Plan for logistics to distribute surveys and conduct focus groups

Spring 2020

January – March: (following IRB approval) Data collection, preliminary analysis

March – April: complete data analysis, prepare summary report for internal stakeholders, identify potential audiences for external dissemination (presentations & publications)

April – May: Prepare manuscript(s) and submit for publication

Please Note: The publication process is often lengthy and will likely extend beyond the 2019-2020 academic year. Formal, professional presentations are also likely to occur the following year 2020-21.

Current stage:

Beginning in the Spring of 2018, the CSD and OT programs collaborated to develop databases in REDCap to gather and maintain required documentation and data for clients’ participating in the Sanders IMPACT Practice Center (IPC). All preexisting IPC required forms were input into these databases and utilized across multiple programs within CSD and OT for use with clients. A joint pediatric intake form was designed so that one form would provide case history information for both CSD and OT programs. As a result, families only need to complete one set of forms for both programs. The adult intake form is currently being developed. For some programs, databases were also used to document client sessions in real-time and/or to store post-session documentation. CSD and OT students and faculty utilized these REDCap databases to record and share information during the 2018-19 Academic Year. We are preparing to use these databases in a similar manner again this academic year (2019-20) but plan to evaluate how to improve upon the processes and the data that is collected using the system. In addition, there are plans to implement the use of EPIC, the electronic medical record (EMR) software solution in 2020. The information gathered through this project will help to inform how we may continue to use one or both REDCap and EPIC in conjunction with the IPC.

This project will use a mixed-methods design employing the following research methods:

Surveys, Focus Groups, and Usability Testing. Research participants will primarily be students, but we will also seek feedback from faculty members and clients who participate in services at the IPC.

Area of impact: Teaching and Learning

Previous experience: Familiarity and/or interest in learning about database development and management as well as at least one of the research methodologies described above: Surveys, Focus Groups, Usability Testing.

Time Commitment: 2-3 hours per week


Leader: Andrea Fairman, OT faculty


Research Question: What is the efficacy of a Lego club on outcomes for children, parents, and students?  

Roles for co-authors

  • Research design
  • Literature review
  • Data collection
  • Data analysis
  • Manuscript drafting
  • Manuscript editing
  • Programmatic support

Intended outcome: Program development, delivery, and dissemination in presentation and publication

Timeline: Deliver 5-week program in October-November 2018; Analyze data by February 2019; Prepare manuscript by June 2019

Current stage: Pilot

Area of impact: Scholarship of application; scholarship of teaching and learning

Previous experience: Depending on the role, interest and experience in pediatric OT or SLP, ability to provide hands-on support of the program, interest in developing and capturing outcomes measures

Time Commitment: 2-3 hours per week including biweekly team meetings

LeaderPatrice Nicholas, SON faculty


Research Question: What is the scope of the literature regarding antiretroviral therapy for pregnant women, particularly those who may be immunocompromised?

Roles for co-authors

  • Research design
  • Data analysis
  • Literature review
  • Manuscript drafting
  • Manuscript editing

Intended outcome: Presentation and manuscript

Timeline:  Manuscript submission by summer 2019

Current stage: Literature Review

Area of impact: Scholarship of application

Previous experience: Previous scholarly work

Time Commitment: 2-4 hours per week and biweekly team meetings

LeaderInge CorlessSON faculty

CollaboratorPatrice Nicholas, SON faculty

Research Question: To query the assumption about the responsibility for health literacy

Roles for co-authors

  • Literature review

  • Manuscript drafting

  • Manuscript editing

Intended outcome: Manuscript

Timeline: Manuscript submission by December 2018. Additional papers may result.

Current stage: Literature review

Area of impact: Scholarship of application

Previous experience: Ability to probe the literature

Time Commitment: 3 hours per week and biweekly team meetings

LeaderInge CorlessSON faculty

Collaborator: None

Research Question: Does similarity or difference in patient/provider racial/ethnic background have an impact on health outcomes?

Roles for co-authors

  • Literature review

  • Manuscript drafting

  • Manuscript editing

Intended outcome: Manuscript

Timeline: Manuscript submission by January 2019

Current stage: Literature review

Area of impact: Scholarship of application

Previous experience: Experience with literature review

Time Commitment: 3 hours per week and biweekly team meetings

Leader: Patrice Nicholas, SON faculty

Collaborator: Susan Stevens, SON faculty

Research Question: What are the health consequences related to human trafficking?

Roles for co-authors

  • Literature Review

  • Manuscript drafting

  • Manuscript editing

Intended outcome: Policy publication

Timeline: Submission by January 2018

Current stage: Outline

Area of impact: Scholarship of application

Previous experience: None

Time Commitment: 30 hours

Leader: Patrice Nicholas, SON faculty


Research Question: What is the scope of the literature regarding health literacy in early intervention for children?

Roles for co-authors

  • Data analysis
  • Literature Review
  • Manuscript drafting
  • Manuscript editing

Intended outcome: Manuscript


  • Draft manuscript by January 2018
  • Submission by May 2018

Current stage: Literature Review

Area of impact: Scholarship of application

Previous experience: Interest in health literacy

Time Commitment: 60 hours

Leader: Sue Farrell, CIPSI faculty

Collaborator: Heather Valenova Dayag, master's student

Research Question: What is the interface between care providers, the computer, and the patient in an academic emergency department?

Roles for co-authors

  • Data collection
  • Data analysis
  • Manuscript drafting

Intended outcome: Manuscript

Timeline: January 2018

Current stage: Final stage of data collection

Area of impact: Scholarship of application

Previous experience: Qualitative data collection; writing

Time Commitment: 20 hours

Leader: Sue Farrell, CIPSI faculty

Collaborator: Stephen Pelletier, Harvard Medical School

Research Question: What is the relationship between student gender and standardized patient (SP) gender in an OSCE scenario of near-peer substance use?

Roles for co-authors

  • Data analysis
  • Literature review
  • Manuscript drafting

Intended outcome: Abstract and possible short report

Timeline: January 2018

Current stage: Data collection complete

Area of impact: Scholarship of teaching and learning

Previous experience: Experience with writing

Time Commitment: 20 hours

Leader: Deb Navedo, CIPSI faculty

Collaborator: None

Research Question: How can faculty be prepared to teach effectively in simulation environments?

Roles for co-authors

  • Data collection
  • Data analysis
  • Literature review
  • Manuscript drafting

Intended outcome: Manuscript with recommendations for faculty development


  • Data collection by January 2018
  • Manuscript draft by May 2018
  • Submission by December 2018

Current stage: IRB submission

Area of impact: Scholarship of teaching and learning

Previous experience: Genuine curiosity about teaching and learning

Time Commitment: 2 hours per week

Leader: Pat Reidy, SON faculty


Research Question: What is the impact of a formal preceptor training for primary care clinicians working with students across health care disciplines?

Roles for co-authors

  • Literature review

  • Manuscript drafting

  • Manuscript editing

Intended outcome: Manuscript

Timeline: June 2018

Current stage: Under development

Area of impact: Scholarship of teaching and learning

Previous experience: Interest in preceptor development for the primary care setting

Time Commitment: 60 hours