Faculty at MGH Institute of Health Professions enjoy access to a range of professional development opportunities. The Acceleration Academy is designed for instructors and assistant professors who prefer a structured, cohort-based, on-campus approach to advancing their professional goals. If the list of available resources on Faculty Compass could be considered a "menu" of options, the Acceleration Academy is a "prix fixe meal." It offers formal guidance on how to achieve success in the full range of responsibilities as a faculty member.

Participants will meet as a group for facilitated workshops eighteen times during 2024. Meetings will take place two Mondays a month from 12–1 pm with a break for the summer. Participants will also arrange separate, periodic one-on-one check-ins with assigned mentors. 

See the Curriculum Tab below for exact session topics.

Applications for the second cycle of the Acceleration Academy will open the summer of 2026, for an anticipated September 2026 start. The application will ask for a brief statement of how participation in the Acceleration Academy will benefit your professional goals and a copy of your CV.  Criteria for evaluation include clarity of rationale for participation, interprofessional representation, and evidence of academic potential. 

For more information, view a recording of an information session.



June 2026

Application Opens | Preview Application

Information session for interested applicants

Recording of info session on Oct 25, 2023 

July 1, 2026Applications due
August 2026Accepted applicants notified
September 2026Program sessions begin twice a month (in-person or online)
May 2027Graduation


  • 0.5 FTE or greater faculty appointment at MGH Institute of Health Professions
  • Rank of instructor or assistant professor
  • Approval of academic unit leader to participate
  • Commitment to prepare for and attend at least 80% of synchronous sessions
  • Learning Objective
    • Target papers to the proper journal.
  • Prework
    • Bring instructions for authors from a journal.
  • ​​​​​​​Reading
  • Learning Objective
    • Interpret a request for proposals.
  • Prework
    • Register for Pivot and search for possible opportunities.
      • Users should register using their username [at] mgh.harvard.edu (username[at]mgh[dot]harvard[dot]edu) address and choose Harvard as the affiliation. If that doesn’t work, participants can search the grants.gov database.
  • ​​​​​​​Reading
  • Learning Objectives
    • Celebrate a milestone in the project.
  • Prework

Acceleration Academy Implementation Grants

Implementation grants are designed to facilitate the professional advancement of graduates from the Acceleration Academy. Projects should propose answering a scholarly question related to health care delivery, health professions education, or basic science.


Attended at least 15 of 18 Acceleration Academy synchronous sessions 


Grant amounts will not succeed $3,000. A total of $12,000 will be available for disbursement. Unless the Office of the Provost can arrange direct payment to vendors, funds will be distributed as reimbursement for expenses

Funds may be used for:

  • recruitment of research participants
  • research assistance
  • software licenses and web-based subscriptions
  • equipment
  • professional development
  • travel
  • article processing charges
  • statistical support
  • outside mentorship


Deadline for submission is Monday, November 25, 2024 at 5 pm. Grantees will be announced at the graduation event in December. 

Projects may start as early as January 2025. Funds must be used by December 2025. All participants will participate in a mid-year session to report on progress and submit a brief summary of work completed at the end of 2025.


A committee of the associate provost for academic affairs, associate provost for research, and a representative from the Mentorship Academy will review applications and rate them based on:

  • Clarity of the proposed project
  • Relevance of the project to the scholarly community
  • Feasibility of completion within a year
  • Likelihood of peer-reviewed dissemination
  • Alignment with individualized career development plan goals

Apply Now

Upon successful completion of the program, participants will:

  • Develop an individualized career plan
  • Gain skills to achieve professional goals related to teaching, scholarship, and service
  • Receive targeted mentorship 
  • Present a proposal for an academic project
  • Qualify to apply for funding to implement the project

Faculty with ranks of associate professor, professor, and emeriti are being recruited to join a Mentorship Academy. They will benefit from resources, templates, and collective wisdom to hone their mentorship skills. Participants in the Acceleration Academy will have the option to rank their desired mentor from the list of trained mentors.

In addition to the 18 hours of synchronous sessions (two hours per month for nine months), participants will need to complete a reading or short activity prior to meeting. They should also allot about one hour per month for meetings with their mentor or mentors. Participants should expect to devote about five hours per month for nine months in 2024.

The Acceleration Academy is designed for all instructors and assistant professors at the IHP. Participants who intend to apply for promotion in 2024 can still benefit from the individualized career planning, mentorship, and skills building. They could use the framework of the program to develop their promotion dossier.

The Acceleration Academy focuses on the hidden curriculum of being a faculty member while HPEd prepares you to engage in the scholarship of teaching and learning. The two programs complement each other, though you will want to consider the time commitment involved in participating in both simultaneously.

All Acceleration Academy participants will engage with the same material at the same time. Those with more expertise in a particular area could serve as peer mentors for their colleagues. All the materials used during the sessions will be available to all faculty members. If you feel confident in your abilities in most of the topics, then you may benefit from simply consulting the resources relevant to the areas where you could use strengthening.

Participants are not required to have a clearly defined academic project at the outset of the program. If you already have concrete goals, you should consider whether your time is better spent advancing those initiatives or learning a broad set of topics about the faculty role. Participants will benefit from the cohort experience and dedicated mentorship.


Contact Peter Cahn.

Peter Cahn in blue tie

Associate Provost for Academic Affairs Office of the Provost