Your Second Lane

To smooth faculty members’ entry to Lane 2, the Institute offers several opportunities to enhance teaching effectiveness. New faculty members are strongly encouraged to enroll in a course to get familiar with theories of adult learning in health professions education. All faculty members are welcome to participate free of charge.

This three-credit course, offered fully online, is the first in a series that can lead to a certificate or master’s degree in health professions education. Participants apply foundational principles of adult learning to the processes of designing, developing, and implementing instruction.

see course


HE 712onlinesummer or fall3syllabus or similar document for clinical education

This three-credit course prepares future and current health professions faculty to design a course syllabus. Participants deliver a 30-minute teaching presentation and receive feedback from interprofessional classmates. 

see course


HRS 950face-to-facespring3syllabus and teaching presentation


The faculty role in advising is key to the teaching and learning mission of the MGH Institute. Connecting with faculty advisors helps students feel more engaged with their studies. Even in lockstep programs like many of ours, advisors can encourage students to reflect on the sum of their education and to refer them to resources that will help them achieve their professional goals.

In recognition of the crucial role of faculty members in student success, the MGH Institute has adopted a model for faculty advising that encompasses two approaches:

  1. Proactive advising assists in building relationships with students by anticipating their needs and connecting them to appropriate resources and support 
  2. Developmental advising focuses on students’ capacity for growth and strengthens their interpersonal interactions, problem-solving, and decision-making skills. 


Students Speak About Their Faculty Advisors

female student speaks to camera

Article Archives: Course Planning, Teaching and Evaluating

Get started with planning your course using these recommendations for structuring your syllabus, selecting readings, and designing and organizing your course. Make the learning process more active and engaging by incorporating research-based strategies, learning activities, and best practices to increase students' learning and deepen mastery of what they learned. Learn how to address common teaching challenges. Assess student learning, and evaluate and improve your teaching.