Statement of Intent
- How will a Leadership in Nursing Education degree help you achieve your career goals?
- What personal and professional experience do you have that will make you an excellent nurse educator?
- What do you wish to accomplish by attaining this degree?
Essays should be typed, double-spaced, and no more than three pages in total. Please make sure your full legal name is included on each page. The statement of intent should be uploaded directly to your online application.
The MGH Institute of Health Professions (IHP) is committed to accepting students from a variety of backgrounds and experiences. The application materials submitted should reflect the applicant's complete academic background, outline their motivation for pursuing a nursing career, and inspire confidence that the applicant will be successful at IHP. The admissions committee is particularly interested in your service to the community (professional and volunteer); evidence of compassion, leadership, and professionalism; and your understanding and commitment to inclusivity. If you feel that you have overcome significant life challenges, please outline what those challenges have been and how you have overcome them.
IHP Diversity Statement
A personal statement is required for all applicants and must be submitted directly to NursingCAS. The prompt should address:
MGH Institute of Health Professions is committed to equity and anti-oppression. How have you demonstrated your commitment to equity and anti-oppression How do you plan to sustain this commitment as a future health professional?
The personal statement should be approximately three (3) pages in length, double spaced.
Recommendation Letters
Applicants are required to provide two (2) recommendation letters. All recommendations are processed through our online application. Please provide contact information for each recommender within the online application.
Recommendation letters should come from individuals who are able to address your academic ability, character, and integrity, as well as your potential for graduate professional study. Furthermore, at least one letter should come from an academic reference if possible.
However, if you have been out working for several years and employers or supervisors are more likely to be able to judge you in this way, it is perfectly acceptable to have letters from them.
Resume or CV
Applicants are required to submit a current resume or CV.