Rachael Salguero (she/her), PhD, RN-BC, CNEcl is an assistant professor and the Nursing Education Department of Labor Grant Track Coordinator in the School of Nursing at the MGH Institute of Health Professions. She is a certified academic clinical nurse educator and teaches medical-surgical nursing to prelicensure students. Rachael is board-certified in medical-surgical nursing and is a clinical staff nurse at Massachusetts General Hospital. Her clinical background includes medical-surgical nursing and respiratory acute care nursing.
Rachael is the President of the Massachusetts/Rhode Island League for Nursing (MARLIN), and a member of the Executive Leadership Team of the Massachusetts Regional Caring Science Consortium (MRCSC). Rachael received the MGH Institute of Health Professions Excellence in Teaching Award in 2022, the National League for Nursing (NLN) Education Scholarship in 2023, and the American Nurses Association (ANA) of Massachusetts Excellence in Nursing Education Award in 2024. Rachael's research interests include the integration of inclusive language into the nursing curriculum, mentoring clinical adjunct faculty, and clinical judgment in the clinical setting. Rachael is committed to incorporating inclusive language into both her nursing practice and the nursing curriculum. Her goal is to motivate her students to develop a genuine appreciation for medical-surgical nursing and learn to think like a nurse!
- Roanoke College, BA, 2003
- MGH Institute of Health Professions, BSN, 2009
- Endicott College, MSN, 2015
- Endicott College, PhD, 2023
Inclusive language, clinical judgment of nursing students, mentoring clinical adjunct faculty
Salguero, R. & Morse, B. (2023). Fostering belonging beyond the health office through inclusive language. NASN School Nurse. Published Ahead of Print.doi:10.1177/1942602X231206345.
Salguero, R. & Hunt, K. (2023). Modeling equity-minded moral courage: The power of calling in. Nurse Educator, 49(1), 35. doi: 10.1097/NNE.00000000000014683.
Salguero, R. & Wocial, J. (2023). The power of words: Inclusive language tip of the day. Nurse Educator, 48(3), 130. doi: 10.1097/NNE.0000000000001315
Salguero, R., Wocial, J., Wolf, A. (2023). The use of inclusive language to promote belonging in undergraduate nursing education. Podium presentation at the National League for Nursing Annual Education Summit.