Sponsored by: MGH Institute of Health Professions Physical Therapy Department
This conference is designed to highlight the connection between physical therapy and social justice and health equity. We will introduce the social determinants of health—defined by the World Health Organization as the conditions under which people live, work, learn, and play—and explore how patients’ health and well-being can be viewed as socially constructed. We discuss the role of systems of oppression and location of position in generating health inequities and help participants develop strategies to intervene to promote health equity.
At the end of this conference, participants will be able to:
- Explain the constructs that make health a socially constructed phenomenon
- Describe the social determinants of health and strategies to intervene at individual, interpersonal, and institutional levels to improve patients’ quality of life and promote health equity
- Follow fundamental principles when screening for the social determinants of health
- Articulate the role of systems of oppression and location of position in generating health inequities
- Discuss how neighborhood characteristics influence population health.
- List resources for patients in the clinical environment and community that are related to the social determinants of health
- Compare and contrast the experience of the sheltered and unsheltered homeless
- Identify which stage of homelessness a patient may be in and match the appropriate intervention at the level of the individual
- Describe how physical therapists can identify patient goals and support patients to participate in ADLs and iADLS along the continuum from homelessness to housed.
- Describe the resources physical therapists can leverage to support patients along the continuum from homelessness to housed.
- Explain the history, context, and mechanisms/pathways leading to health disparities for sexual and gender minority groups
- Define the term “microaggression” and identify common LGBTQIA+ micro-aggressions
- Identify strategies for responding to micro-aggressions and creating an inclusive environment in the classroom and clinic
- Identify the ethical and legal dilemmas associated with the biased patients
- Describe the decision-making associated with responding to inappropriate patient requests including requests for specific clinicians
- Describe the framework for responding to biased patients
Contact PT [at] mghihp.edu (PT[at]mghihp[dot]edu) with questions.