Supporting equal access for students at the IHP

MGH Institute of Health Professions views disability as an important aspect of diversity and is committed to providing equal access to learning opportunities for all students. Accessibility Resources (AR) is the campus office that collaborates with students and faculty to provide and/or arrange reasonable accommodations for students who have documented disabilities. Given the clinical nature of our programs, additional time may be needed to create and implement accommodations. Timely requests are therefore essential and encouraged.

MGH Institute of Health Professions views disability as an important aspect of diversity and is committed to providing equal access to learning opportunities for all students.  Accessibility Resources (AR) is the campus office that collaborates with students and faculty to provide and/or arrange reasonable accommodations for students who have documented disabilities. 

Vision: We envision MGH IHP as a fully accessible, integrated, and inclusive setting that recognizes students with disabilities as one of the many groups that make our campus community a diverse community.

Mission: Through providing leadership and guidance regarding accommodations and universal access, which requires a collaborative relationship among all members of the community, Accessibility Resources aims to engage the community, empower students, enhance equity and provide a platform for innovation and inclusion. We achieve this by mitigating competitive disadvantages and environmental barriers that impact learning as well as by supporting faculty in the classroom and our colleagues across the Institute. We provide individual accommodations when environmental barriers cannot be eliminated and assistive technology that fosters independent, self-determined learners.

According to the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) as amended in 2008, a disability is defined as “a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities.”

Activities include, but are not limited to, caring for oneself, performing manual tasks, seeing, hearing, eating, sleeping, walking, standing, lifting, bending, speaking, breathing, learning, reading, concentrating, thinking, communicating, and working.

Major life activities also includes bodily functions including, but not limited to, functions of the immune system, normal cell growth, digestive, bowel, bladder, neurological, brain, respiratory, circulatory, endocrine, and reproductive functions.

We take student privacy very seriously. It is important to us and we encourage students to take it seriously, too. Disability-related documentation, including medical records and correspondence about accommodations will be managed in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), related legislation, and Institute policy.

Information concerning disabilities and accommodations will only be shared on a need-to-know basis, and only for the purpose of assuring appropriate accommodations in support of student success. No information related to disabilities or accommodations is included in official records (such as transcripts) for students and alumni.

We encourage students to discuss the logistics of their accommodation request(s) with relevant faculty and/or clinical instructors and their faculty advisor at the start of each course.

Any student who would like guidance on this aspect of managing accommodations should contact our office. Students are reminded to use good judgment if they decide to discuss accommodations with classmates or others.

Accommodations Process

To be eligible for disability-related services, individuals must have a documented disability as defined by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and/or the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 and accommodations must be necessary in order for the individual to have equal access.

A person with a disability is someone who:

  • has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities,
  • has a history or record of such an impairment (such as cancer that is in remission), or
  • is perceived by others as having such an impairment (such as a person who has scars from a severe burn).

There is a wide variety of disabilities. Some are visible and some are not. A non-exhaustive list of potential disabilities includes: impairments of vision, hearing, or mobility; learning, disorder; psychiatric/mental health disorders; brain injury; autism;  ADHD. In order for a diagnosis or condition to be considered a disability, it must substantially limit one or more major life activities.

Accommodations must be necessary to provide equal access and must be reasonable. Institutions are prohibited from making accommodations which pose a fundamental alteration to curriculum or course design/delivery. 

As one part of the eligibility process, students must be able to provide relevant documentation of their identified disability or temporary disability. There are a variety of forms of documentation which may be relevant to the decision-making process.

Documentation must come from a licensed provider with experience to evaluate conditions in the appropriate field, and minimally must include: a specific diagnosis, information on how the diagnosis was determined, information on how the diagnosis substantially limits one or more major life activities/what are the barriers to access. 

Recommendations made by providers for specific accommodations may be helpful in making determinations, however they are not the only factor considered and provider recommendations are not a guarantee of specific accommodations.

If the initial documentation provided to Accessibility Resources is incomplete or inadequate to determine the extent of the disability and appropriate accommodations, AR has the discretion to request additional documentation or require supplemental assessment. 

MGH Institute of Health Professions and Accessibility Resources has the right to deny services and accommodations that are determined to be unnecessary to ensure equal access, that would result in a fundamental alteration of curriculum or course design, that would impose an undue burden, or that are not supported by documentation. We also reserve the right to provide accommodations/assistive technology solutions that are not the exact requested, but which provide equal benefit.

It is the student’s responsibility to provide documentation, and all costs associated with obtaining documentation will be borne by the student. The cost of any assessments or evaluations necessary to provide documentation, including any supplemental assessments should initial documentation be insufficient, are the responsibility of the student. AR staff is happy to speak with and offer guidance to any students who have questions about obtaining evaluation or assessment.

Students who are initially applying for accommodations are required to have an individual meeting with AR staff. During this meeting you should be prepared to discuss your specific disability/diagnosis; the impact of this diagnosis on your functioning – particularly in the academic and clinical/fieldwork settings; barriers to access you experience/have experienced; and any history of accommodations. This meeting is also an opportunity for students to become familiar with the accommodations process at the IHP and the rights and responsibilities of all parties, as well as to ask any questions they may have. 

For on-line pre-requisite students, this meeting is waived if appropriate determinations can be made from submitted documentation.

Upon submission of the Accommodation Request Form, AR staff will reach out to schedule an initial meeting. If you would like to request an informational meeting prior to submitting the form please ihpar [at] (email the AR office)

The accommodations process from request to implementation can take a few weeks, as it is an interactive and iterative process:

Interactive in that Accessibility Resources, the student, and the faculty all participate in the implementation process. Accessibility Resources may seek information from appropriate MGH IHP personnel regarding essential standards for various curricular activities; conversely, MGH IHP personnel may seek information from Accessibility Resources regarding how to best facilitate a student’s accommodations in the program.

Iterative in that the students and/or faculty may find that new activities undertaken as the curriculum progresses (e.g. study in clinical vs. classroom settings) present challenges and barriers that were not anticipated when accommodations were first implemented. For this reason, we ask that students receiving accommodations maintain on-going contact with Accessibility Resources.

Given the clinical nature of our programs, additional time may be needed to create and implement accommodations. Accommodations are never retroactive; therefore, timely requests are essential and encouraged.

Accessibility Resources: Know Your Rights & Responsibilities

Student Rights Faculty Rights
  • Equal access to academic content and educational opportunities, including Institute sponsored events and activities
  • Confidentiality of all disability-related information as required by law
  • Reasonable and appropriate accommodations and academic adjustments as determined through the interactive process.
  • Terminate and/or request changes to accommodations at any time by contacting AR
  • Not self-identify if accommodations are not being requested
  • Appeal a decision or submit a complaint by following the process outlined by the Institute
  • Maintain the rigor and the fundamental nature of their course content
  • Evaluate the academic work of students with disabilities according to the same criteria of evaluation utilized for all other students in the class
  • Request an official Accommodation Notification Letter from AR before providing requested accommodations
  • Consult with AR if you have questions, concerns, or require clarifications or support to implement accommodations


Student Responsibilities Faculty Responsibilities
  • Follow the interactive process outlined by AR to receive accommodations, including requesting accommodation renewals for each course you require them in, each semester, in a timely manner
  • Establish a plan with each professor regarding the specifics of how accommodations will be provided. Make sure this agreement is clear to both of you.
  • Clarify/confirm testing accommodations with the instructor prior to each exam.
  • Maintain on-going contact with AR regarding changes to accessibility needs or concerns
  • Maintain the IHP code of conduct and meet the academic standards of your program
  • Maintain student confidentiality regarding disability and accommodation information
  • Ensure that student accommodations are implemented
  • Determine the specifics of how you will provide accommodations and communicate this clearly with the student
  • Clarify/confirm testing accommodations with the student prior to each exam
  • Direct students who have self-identified or indicated they may have a disability to AR


  • Identify policies and procedures for how to obtain accommodations and modify policies and procedures as necessary
  • Request medical/supporting documentation from students
  • Deny a request for accommodations or academic adjustments if documentation demonstrates that the request is not warranted, or if student fails to provide appropriate documentation.
  • Clearly communicate policies and procedures to students, faculty, and staff
  • Maintain student confidentiality, including any information communicated verbally or in writing
  • Engage in fair, unbiased, thorough review of all accommodation requests
  • Select among equally effective accommodations
  • Refuse an unreasonable accommodation or adjustment that imposes a fundamental alteration to an academic program.
  • Discuss academic requirements and technical standards with faculty and staff to help determine appropriate accommodations and/or adjustments
  • Treat each student request on an individual case-by-case basis
  • Communicate approved accommodations and/or any changes with students and designated faculty in a timely manner (generally 5-15 business days)
  • Stay current on best practices in the field

Acquiring Adaptive/Assistive Technology

Some examples:

  • Voice-to-text dictation software
  • Screen reading software
  • Amplified stethoscopes

These pieces of adaptive/assistive technology can be made available to students during their matriculation at the IHP. Please contact Accessibility Resources to find out more!


Students may pursue an informal resolution by meeting with the Associate Director of Student Accessibility & Support Services. If no satisfactory resolution is reached, student should initiate a formal complaint in writing to the Assistant Dean of Student Services. It is not required to seek an informal resolution.

A formal resolution complaint must be submitted in writing within five business days to the Assistant Dean of Student Services from the time the student knew or could reasonably be expected to have known of the action that is the subject of the complaint. It should include information regarding the specific action being complained of, the date it occurred, the grounds upon which the appeal is based, and the relief requested. If the nature of the complaint is time sensitive, please explain why in your statement. The Assistant Dean will review the complaint and contact the student to schedule a formal resolution meeting within ten days of the date it was received. 

All time frames referred to in this procedure refer to academic calendar days.

Formal Resolution Meeting 

Once the Assistant Dean has received the student's statement, they will determine if additional participants are needed at the formal resolution meeting. For example, faculty or staff or classmates involved in the circumstances of the concern. Therefore, the student should be as specific as possible if there are others they wish to involve. During the formal resolution meeting, the student will have an opportunity to summarize their appeal and ask questions. The Assistant Dean will lead the meeting and will have questions for the student after reading the filed complaint. This student may bring one individual to join them, to take notes or offer support. This is optional. This person may not speak or interrupt the meeting in any way.

Frequently Asked Questions

Students are encouraged to connect with Accessibility Resources as soon as possible to begin the process of requesting accommodations. For students to be eligible for disability-related accommodations, they must be able to provide documentation for a diagnosed/identified disability. This can be submitted through Accommodations Request & Documentation Submission Form; a confidential, secure form that can only be accessed by Accessibility Resources. All requests are considered on a case-by-case basis. Additionally, part of the process of determining appropriate accommodations an individual meeting with AR staff. Documentation can be submitted either before or after this initial meeting, though beforehand is recommended.

These include, but are not limited to:

  • Extended time for exams and quizzes
  • A reduced distraction environment for exams and quizzes
  • Note taker
  • Audio recording of class lectures
  • Textbooks and course materials in an alternate format
  • Paper copies of exams and quizzes

Testing accommodation arrangements vary from program to program. The designee in each program is copied on accommodation memos.

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA revised 2010) define service animals as dogs individually trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disabilities.  

View Policy

If a student discloses to you that they have a disability, refer them to Accessibility Resources. Have contact information handy, and follow up with an email to the student and copy ihpar [at]

If a student is consistently not finishing exams on time, reporting an inability to focus, has repeated absences, or mentions knowing the exams but still failing exams, it is ok to tell the student about different resources that are available to them, including the Academic Support Coaches and Accessibility Resources.

Yes. Students are entitled to reasonable accommodations for clinical placements. The student should follow the same procedure for applying for accommodations and documenting the disability.

A determination about what accommodations can be made in the clinical placement will be a collaborative effort among Accessibility Resources, the academic program, and the student. Students who use accommodations in the classroom setting will not necessarily need accommodations in the clinical setting.

Each request will be individually assessed and accommodations will be determined on a case-by-case basis.

MGH Institute of Health Professions views disability as an important aspect of diversity and is committed to providing equitable access to learning opportunities for all students. Accessibility Resources (AR) is the campus office that collaborates with students and faculty to provide and/or arrange reasonable accommodations for students who have documented disabilities.

To learn more about the accommodations process visit  the Accessibility Resources website:, or e-mail ihpar [at]

Contact Accessibility Resources

We are part of the Office of Student Affairs and Services. We welcome student questions, listen to their concerns, and respond to their needs and situations.

MGH Institute Logo on stone

Our office supports equal access to programs and services for students who experience a disability.

profile photo of luella

Assistant Dean of Student Services Office of Student Affairs and Services

emily profile pic

Associate Director of Student Accessibility & Support Services Office of Student Affairs and Services