Register Your Child for an Upcoming Study


Join our research studies pertaining to literacy. Our goal is to identify best practices for struggling students and optimizing learning experiences for all children.

We are currently recruiting participants ages 5-17 who meet any of the following criteria:

  • Typically developing (no history of learning disability)
  • Struggling with reading (and/or diagnosis of dyslexia)
  • Struggling with math (and/or diagnosis of dyscalculia)
  • Struggling with attention (and/or diagnosis of ADHD)


Brain Bases of Reading and Math (RAISE/MIND)

We are currently investigating the neural correlates of learning difficulties in collaboration with The Gabrieli Lab at MIT.

By analyzing differences in brain structure and function in 3rd-6th-grade students, we hope to help distinguish mechanisms contributing to reading, math, and attention difficulties (i.e. dyslexia, dyscalculia, ADHD). Participants will receive Amazon gift cards for their participation. Children will receive up to $150 in gift cards for completing study sessions. We will also provide transportation assistance, either in the form of free parking or up to $10 cash to travel via MTBA/taxi.

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BEAM Participation FAQs

Once you complete our confidential Screening Survey, we will respond promptly letting you know if your child meets our eligibility criteria for current studies. Each of our studies involve behavioral assessment (about 2 hours), where a child will work one-on-one with a researcher to complete tasks that can involve thinking, reading, language, math, and attention. Some studies involve brain imaging using a noninvasive, safe imaging technique called magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Studies will either take place at the BEAM Lab in Charlestown, MA, or at the Gabrieli Lab at MIT in Cambridge, MA.

Please fill out our confidential Screening Survey to find out if your child is eligible to participate.

Please contact us at to discuss opportunities to support our research. You are invited to share our recruitment flyer in your community. Additionally, we look forward to partnering with local area schools to provide free professional development sessions for parents and teachers. We are happy to discuss further ways we can support and partner with parents, educators, and clinicians.

We are glad to have family members of any age join the participating student. We have comfortable waiting rooms and free WiFi available, and we are located near landmarks families often enjoy visiting.

All participation in our research opportunities is voluntary. We often offer reimbursement for your time in the form of gift cards, and can share results and brain pictures from the behavioral and imaging sessions. We welcome referrals to friends and community members, and are happy to share research findings with families interested in learning more.

PhD and Other Research Opportunities

The MGH Institute offers fellowships and full tuition scholarships to qualified students interested in pursuing a PhD in Rehabilitation Sciences.

The BEAM Lab welcomes IHP graduate students to join our research efforts by applying for one of our Graduate Assistant positions. BEAM Team members gain experience in data collection and analysis of assessment data. Students in the MS-SLP program can also join BEAM research projects to work towards required ASHA clinical hours.

Graduate students in the BEAM Lab play an active role in all aspects of the research process. Graduate posters and publications have been featured at conferences across the country including the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA), Society for the Scientific Study of Reading (SSSR), and the Harvard Student Research Conference (SRC).

Graduate students from the MGH Institute complete placements in schools and local clinics as a part of their practicum requirements for the MA-SLP program.

Masters-level programs that support research opportunities in the BEAM Lab:

The BEAM Lab hosts undergraduate interns from institutions around the Greater Boston Area who are interested in learning more about literacy and educational research. Interested? Share your research interests with us.

The BEAM Lab is proud to partner with Brigham and Women’s Hospital to host undergraduate interns from the Student Success Jobs Program (SSJP) every summer. SSJP aims to introduce high school students to medical, health, and science professions by providing students with internship opportunities each year from high school through college.