Institute Policies

MGH Institute Policies

To ensure a professional and ethical learning environment, all members of the IHP community abide by certain standards of behavior. The following policies make explicit our commitment to shared values.

Academic Integrity

You are responsible for reporting breaches of intellectual honesty, whether observed in a student or colleague. Let a department administrator as well as the Office of Student Affairs and Services know about the violation. The Catalog defines four categories of academic dishonesty.

Accessibility Resources

It is the responsibility of the student with a qualified disability to request accommodation from the Office of Student Affairs and Services (OSAS) in a timely manner. Once OSAS approves a student request, the staff will work with you to make a reasonable effort to provide adjustments and aids to allow the student equal access to the course.

Go Green

As part of the Institute’s commitment to minimizing environmental harm on human health, faculty should consider making readings available electronically and turning off lights and equipment after use.


Every instructor is responsible for abiding by federal law in reproducing and distributing protected material. The Institute librarian has prepared a guide on how to comply with legal requirements.


The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords students the right to review their student records and to restrict release of personal information.

Commitment to Diversity

Diversity at the MGH Institute encompasses an inclusive and welcoming environment that is enhanced by persons who differ in gender, race, ethnicity, national origin, age, socio-economic background, ability, sexual orientation and gender identity or expression, and religious belief. This link contains resources to help incorporate principles of cultural competence into teaching.

Smoking Policy

MGH Institute of Health Professions, as an academic affiliate of Massachusetts General Hospital, accepts and endorses the conclusion reached by the Surgeon General of the United States and the Massachusetts Commissioner of Public Health regarding the hazards of smoking, and recognizes the limitations on smoking established by Massachusetts law. It also recognizes that as an institution of higher education dedicated to health care, it has an especially visible role in seeking to minimize those hazards.

The Institute campus is smoke free. Smoking (including the use of electronic cigarettes) is prohibited in the interior as well within 15 feet around the perimeter of buildings. Individuals who wish to smoke must do so at least 15 feet from buildings and doorways. If an individual has a complaint with respect to the smoking policy it should be sent in writing to:

MGH Institute of Health Professions Facilities Manager
Charlestown Navy Yard
36 1st Avenue
Boston, MA 02129

Executive Council
June 24, 2014

See a full list of MGH IHP policies on AskMyHR.