Personal Statement
All applicants are required to compose an essay that addresses the following:
Share/discuss your vision for yourself in the role of health professions educator, including your future goals and plans. Your comments may reflect your personal experiences and beliefs about teaching and learning that have influenced your interest in the area of education.
Specify the types of teaching roles and responsibilities that have contributed to your decision to pursue study in health professions education. You may choose to share stories of influential educators to illustrate your points.
Answers should be typed, double-spaced, and no more than three pages in total. Margins should be no more than one inch, and type size should be no smaller than 10-point, with 12-point type preferred. Please make sure your full legal name is included on each page. The statement of intent should be uploaded directly to your online application.
Diversity Statement (Optional)
MGH Institute of Health Professions is committed to an inclusive campus climate that welcomes students who will enrich the diversity of thought and perspective, and therefore, enhance the learning experiences of all. In what ways might you personally contribute to improving the experience of the campus as a welcoming and inclusive place to learn?
Essay should be 12 pt. font, double spaced, and two pages in length.
Resume or CV
Applicants are required to submit a current resume or CV.
References and Interview
Applicants are not required to submit recommendation letters. Instead, all applicants will be interviewed after other application materials have been submitted. You will be asked to provide two individuals who can serve as references. You should submit the following about your references:
- Complete contact information for these references, including title and organization
- How the reference writer knows you
- How long the writer has known you
The reference should be able to address your academic ability, character, and integrity, as well as your potential for graduate professional study.
One reference is required from an MGH Institute faculty member if you are IHP alumni or have previously worked with one of our faculty.