Mass General Brigham Incorporated (formerly known as Partners HealthCare System, Inc. (PHS)) is the sole governing member of The Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH). MGH is the sole governing member of the Institute. The Institute's activity is included in both the Mass General Brigham Incorporated financial statement and in the Mass General Hospital and Affiliates financial statement.

Fiscal Year Reports


FY2024 Financial Report

The Institute’s FY2024 financial statements reflect its continuation of investment in the academic programs and research activities. FY2024 net income from operations was $2.9 million, which reflects our continuing efforts on 1) enhancing academic programs; 2) investing in the Institute’s vision, mission, and strategic priorities; 3) providing increased support for research activities, and 4) sustaining our financial strength.

Statement of Financial Position

The Institute’s balance sheet reflects higher liquidity and a strong balance among asset classes: total assets were $197.7 million as of September 30, 2024, with  $69.3 million in cash and short-term investments, $57.6 million in the institution’s endowment, and $26.6 million in property and equipment. 

Total assets increased by $28.4 million from $169.3 million as of September 2023 to $197.7 million as of September 2024, which was primarily due to improved investments performance as well as an increase in operating lease assets due to a new lease agreement. The Institute strives to maintain high cash and cash equivalent balances. 

Total liabilities of $65.3 million as of September 2023 increased by $13.2 million to $78.5 million as of September 2024, primarily driven by an increase in operating lease obligations. 

Total net assets of $119.2 million as of September 30, 2024 increased by $15.2 million from FY23 year end, primarily due to favorable changes in investment values and net operating income in FY24.

Operating Results

Total FY2024 operating revenues grew by $3.8 million to $74.4 million from $70.6 million in the prior fiscal year. Direct research and direct academic revenue increased by $1.9 million to $9.7 million in FY24 from $7.8 million in FY23 mainly due to an increase in research activities. 

Total operating expenses increased by $1.7 million from $69.7 million in FY23 to $71.4 million in FY24.  Instruction decreased by $1.6 million in FY24 primarily due to the removal of the one-time Center for Medical Simulation expenses.  Continued success in the Research area represented growth in its related expense by $1.0 million. Increase in Academic support of $2.4 million in FY24 was primarily due to occupying a new research space and new lease extensions for One CW and Two CW. Our Institutional Support and Facilities remain relatively flat at the FY23 level. 

Non-Operating Results in Without Donor Restrictions Net Assets

Total FY24 non-operating performance improved significantly due to better investment performance. Compared to an investment gain of $5.6 million in FY23, IHP had an investment income of $10.8M in FY24. 

Looking Forward

As detailed above, the Institute enters the FY25 from a position of strength. In FY25, the Institute continues its effort on improving operating efficiencies, continuing its effort on cost containment, and aligning resources with Institute’s strategic plan to guarantee its superior service to students and outstanding academic deliveries.  

Cash and equivalents22,11021,757
Current portion of investments limited as to use3,9887,778
Research grant receivable, net622414
Other current assets4,2033,092
Total current assets78,07966,453
Investments limited as to use, less current portion9,4979,133
Long-term investments4,0673,947
Interest in the net assets of affiliates40,00935,022
Property and equipment, net26,59424,050
Right-of-use operating lease assets39,41930,480
Other assets80254
Total assets$197,745169,339


Liabilities and Net Assets20242023
Current liabilities:  
Current portion of notes payable to affiliates1,118965
Accounts payable and accrued expenses20,90518,835
Accrued employee compensation and benefits861299
Current portion of operating lease obligations5,1434,576
Unexpended funds on research grants738472
Due to affiliates3,7783,820
Total current liabilities 32,54328,967
Other liabilities  
Accrued other1,1911,404
Operating lease obligations, less current portion35,97927,187
Notes payable to affiliates, less current portion8,8187,771
Total liabilities78,53165,329
Net assets  
Donor restricted27,21124,396
Total net assets119,214104,010
Total liabilities and net assets$197,745169,339
Operating revenues20242023
Tuition and fees69,42064,935
Less: Financial aid9,8508,313
Tuition and fees, net59,57056,622
Direct academic and research revenue9,7287,794
Indirect academic and research revenue2,2691,786
Other revenue2,7964,371
Total operating revenues74,36370,573


Operating expenses20242023
Institutional support10,36010,243
Student services4,1384,499
Academic support11,2318,860
Total operating expenses71,41469,691
Income from operations2,949882


Without donor restriction Nonoperating gains (expenses)20242023
Income from investments10,7615,589
Other nonoperating (expenses) income(658)(491)
Academic and research gifts, net of expenses(453)(307)
System development funding(22)(22)
Total nonoperating gains (expenses), net9,6284,769
Excess of revenues over expenses12,5775,651
Other changes in net assets:  
Funds utilized for property and equipment4 
Transfers from affiliates(194)(528)
Increase(decrease) in unrestricted net assets$12,387$5,123
Without donor restrictions 20242023
Net assets, beginning of year79,61474,491
Increases (decreases)  
Income (loss) from operations2,949882
Income (loss) from investments10,7615,589
Other nonoperating (expenses) income(658)(491)
Academic and research gifts, net of expenses(453)(307)
System development funding(22)(22)
Funds utilized for property and equipment4 
Transfers (to) from affiliates(194)(528)
Change in unrestricted net assets(12,387)5,123
Net assets, end of year$92,001$79,614


With Donor Restrictions2024  2023
Net assets, beginning of year$24,396$23,418
Increases (decreases)  
Income (loss) from investments2,628994
Other nonoperating income (expenses)73(207)
Other changes in net assets114191
Change in donor restricted net assets2,815978
Net assets, end of year$27,211$24,396


FY2023 Financial Report

The Institute’s FY2023 financial statements reflect its continuation of investment in the academic programs and research activities. FY23 net income from operations was $0.9 million, which reflects our continuing efforts on 1) enhancing academic programs; 2) investing in the Institute’s vision, mission, and strategic priorities; 3) providing increased support for research activities, and 4) sustaining our financial strength.

Statement of Financial Position

The Institute’s balance sheet reflects higher liquidity and a strong balance among asset classes: total assets were $169.3 million as of September 30, 2023, with a $21.8 million in cash and short-term investments, $51.0 million in the institution’s endowment, and $24.1 million in property and equipment. 

Total assets increased by $1.6 million from $167.7 million as of September 2022 to $169.3 million as of September 2023, which is primarily due to improved investments performance. The institute strives to maintain high cash and cash equivalent balances. 

Total liabilities of $69.8 million as of September 2022 decreased by $4.5 million to $65.3 million as of September 2023, primarily driven by a decrease in operating lease obligations and reduction in accrued compensation and benefits. 

Total net assets of $104.0 million as of September 30, 2023 increased by $6.1 million from FY22 year end, primarily due to favorable changes in investment values.

Operating Results

Total FY2023 operating revenues grew by $0.9 million to $70.6 million from $69.7 million in the prior fiscal year. Despite pandemic related enrollment challenges, IHP strived to maintain its financial aid offerings to students. Direct research and direct academic revenue increased by $1.4 million to $7.6 million in FY23 from $6.3 million in FY22 due to increase in research activities and Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) related spending which ended June 30, 2023. 

Total operating expenses decreased by $0.4 million from $70.0 million in FY22 to $69.7 million in FY23.  Instruction increased by $0.5 million in FY2023 as IHP continues its investment in its academic programs. Institutional support decreased by $1.6M primarily due to a reorganization in FY23. Continued success in Research area represented growth in its related expense by $1.2 million. IHP continued its student success through investments in student related expenses. Reduction in Academic support of $1.2 million in FY23 primarily due to alignment of large information technology contracts with its service terms and computer life cycle savings.

Non-Operating Results in Without Donor Restrictions Net Assets

Total FY23 non-operating performance improved significantly due to better investment performance. Compared to an investment loss of $11.4 million in FY22, IHP had an investment income of $5.6M in FY23. Increase in the Academic and research gifts in FY22 was primarily due to meeting the time restrictions of a donor restricted gift. 

Looking Forward

In FY24, the institute continues its effort on improving operating efficiencies, aligning resource with Institute’s strategic plan to guarantee its superior service to students and outstanding academic deliveries.



Cash and equivalents 21,757 17,247
Investments 33,412 29,620
Current portion of investments limited as to use 7,778 9,931
Research grant receivable, net 414 331
Other current assets 3,092 2,848
Total current assets 66,453 59,977
Investments limited as to use, less current portion 9,133 9,067
Long-term investments 3,947 5,889
Interest in the net assets of affiliates 35,022 33,184
Property and equipment, net 24,050 25,212
Right-of-use operating lease assets 30,480 33,889
Other assets 254 481
Total assets $169,339 167,699


Liabilities and Net Assets 2023 2022
Current liabilities:    
Current portion of notes payable to affiliates 965 921
Accounts payable and accrued expenses 18,835 17,885
Accrued employee compensation and benefits 299 1,640
Current portion of operating lease obligations 4,576 4,640
Unexpended funds on research grants 472 265
Due to affiliates 3,820 3,842
Total current liabilities  28,967 29,193
Other liabilities    
Accrued other 1,404 1,600
Operating lease obligations, less current portion 27,187 30,261
Notes payable to affiliates, less current portion 7,771 8,736
Total liabilities 65,329 69,790
Net assets    
Unrestricted 79,614 74,491
Donor restricted 24,396 23,418
Total net assets 104,010 97,909
Total liabilities and net assets $169,339 167,699
Operating revenues 2023 2022
Tuition and fees 64,935 67,862
Less: Financial aid 8,313 8,857
Tuition and fees, net 56,622 59,005
Direct academic and research revenue 7,635 6,283
Indirect academic and research revenue 1,945 1,286
Other revenue 4,371 3,095
Total operating revenues 70,573 69,669


Operating expenses 2023 2022
Instruction 39,323 38,855
Institutional support 10,243 11,858
Research 6,662 5,456
Student services 4,499 3,623
Academic support 8,860 10,046
Facilities 103 208
Total operating expenses 69,691 70,046
Income from operations 882 (377)


Without donor restriction Nonoperating gains (expenses) 2023 2022
Income from investments 5,589 (11,351)
Other nonoperating (expenses) income (491) (1,902)
Academic and research gifts, net of expenses (307) 3,337
System development funding (22) (12)
Total nonoperating gains (expenses), net 4,769 (9,928)
Excess of revenues over expenses 5,651 (10,305)
Other changes in net assets:    
Transfers from affiliates (528) (8)
Increase(decrease) in unrestricted net assets $5,123 (10,313)
Without donor restrictions  2023 2022
Net assets, beginning of year 74,491 84,804
Increases (decreases)    
Income (loss) from operations 882 (377)
Income (loss) from investments 5,589 (11,351)
Other nonoperating (expenses) income (491) (1,902)
Academic and research gifts, net of expenses (307) 3,337
System development funding (22) (12)
Transfers (to) from affiliates (528) (8)
Change in unrestricted net assets 5,123 (10,313)
Net assets, end of year 79,614 74,491


With Donor Restrictions 2023 2022  
Net assets, beginning of year 23,418 29,897
Increases (decreases)    
Income (loss) from investments 994 (4,339)
Other nonoperating income (expenses) (207) (1,316)
Other changes in net assets 191 (824)
Change in donor restricted net assets 978 (6,479)
Net assets, end of year 24,396 23,418


FY2022 Financial Report

The Institute’s FY2022 financial statements reflect its continuation of investment in the growth of academic programs and research activities. However, the delayed approval from the Department of Higher Education for the new master's programs had a negative impact on the Institute’s ability to market and recruit students in FY2022. In addition, $1.4 million in accelerated depreciation expense from one building also contributed to a negative operating loss of $0.4 million as of September 30, 2022.

Statement of Financial Position

The Institute’s balance sheet reflects higher liquidity and a strong balance among asset classes: total assets were $167.7 million as of September 30, 2022, with $17.2 million in cash and short-term investments, $48.0 million in the institution’s endowment, and $25.2 million in property and equipment.

Total assets decreased by $23.7 million from $191.4 million as of September 2021 to $167.7 million as of September 2022, which is primarily due to the decrease in investments driven by the current market performance. The institute strives to maintain high cash and cash equivalent balances.

Total liabilities of $76.7 million as of September 2021 decreased by $6.9 million to $69.8 million as of September 2022, primarily driven by a decrease in operating lease obligations and year-end accruals for expenses.

Total net assets of $97.9 million as of September 30, 2022 showed a decrease of $16.8 million from FY2021 year end, primarily due to unfavorable changes in investment values.

Operating Results

Total FY2022 operating revenues grew by $2.7 million to $69.7 million from $66.9 million in the prior fiscal year. Net tuition and fee revenue increased by $1.6 million due to an increase in tuition revenue offset by higher financial aid. Direct research and direct academic revenue increased by $0.2 million to $5.9 million in FY2022 from $5.7 million in FY2021 due to increase in research activities and Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) related spending.

Total operating expenses increased by $5.4 million from $64.6 million for FY2021 to $70.0 million for FY2022. Instruction increased by $5.6 million in FY2022, which reflected the continued investment in the academic programs. Instructional support decreased its level of spending by $0.7 million compared to FY2021, as the initial investment in the academic programs’ growth were recorded under Institutional Support in FY2021 where the majority of such investments were recorded under Instructions starting in FY2022. Research expenses increased by $0.5 million which were offset by their related increase in revenue, while other areas remained consistent with the prior year.

Non-Operating Results in Without Donor Restrictions Net Assets

Total FY2022 non-operating loss was heavily impacted by the current market performance. Compared to an income from investment of $13.2 million FY2021, investments were at a loss of $11.4 million in FY2022. Increase in the Academic and research gifts was primarily due to meeting the time restrictions of a donor restricted gift at the year end.

Looking Forward

In FY2023, the Institute continues its effort on improving operating efficiencies, aligning resources with the Institute’s strategic plan to guarantee its superior service to students and outstanding academic deliveries.



Cash and equivalents 17,247 19,019
Investments 29,620 43,697
Current portion of investments limited as to use 9,931 6,427
Research grant receivable, net 331 464
Other current assets 2,848 2,614
Total current assets 59,977 72,221
Investments limited as to use, less current portion 9,067 6,558
Long-term investments 5,889 6,707
Interest in the net assets of affiliates 33,184 40,232
Property and equipment, net 25,212 27,790
Right-of-use operating lease assets 33,889 37,522
Other assets 481 366
Total assets $167,699 $191,396


Liabilities and Net Assets 2022 2021
Current liabilities:    
Current portion of notes payable to affiliates 921 1,016
Accounts payable and accrued expenses 17,885 19,668
Accrued employee compensation and benefits 1,640 1,951
Current portion of operating lease obligations 4,640 4,775
Unexpended funds on research grants 265 221
Due to affiliates 3,842 3,395
Total current liabilities  29,193 31,026
Other liabilities    
Accrued other 1,600 2,650
Operating lease obligations, less current portion 30,261 33,362
Notes payable to affiliates, less current portion 8,736 9,657
Total liabilities 69,790 76,695
Net assets    
Unrestricted 74,491 84,804
Donor restricted 23,418 29,897
Total net assets 97,909 114,701
Total liabilities and net assets $167,699 $191,396
Operating revenues 2022 2021
Tuition and fees 67,862 65,170
Less: Financial aid 8,857 7,732
Tuition and fees, net 59,005 57,438
Direct academic and research revenue 6,283 5,657
Indirect academic and research revenue 1,286 1,284
Other revenue 3,095 2,569
Total operating revenues 69,669 66,948


Operating expenses 2022 2021
Instruction 38,855 33,221
Institutional support 11,858 12,598
Research 5,456 4,949
Student services 3,623 3,497
Academic support 10,046 10,189
Facilities 208 178
Total operating expenses 70,046 64,632
Income from operations (377) 2,316


Without donor restriction Nonoperating gains (expenses) 2022 2021
Income from investments (11,351) 13,227
Other nonoperating (expenses) income (1,902) (1,066)
Academic and research gifts, net of expenses 3,337 (52)
System development funding (12) (14)
Total nonoperating gains (expenses), net (9,928) 12,095
Excess of revenues over expenses (10,305) 14,410
Other changes in net assets:    
Transfers from affiliates (8) 42
Increase(decrease) in unrestricted net assets (10,313) 14,453
Without donor restrictions  2022 2021
Net assets, beginning of year 84,804 70,352
Increases (decreases)    
Income (loss) from operations (377) 2,315
Income (loss) from investments (11,351) 13,227
Other nonoperating (expenses) income (1,902) (1,066)
Academic and research gifts, net of expenses 3,337 (52)
System development funding (12) (14)
Transfers (to) from affiliates (8) 42
Change in unrestricted net assets (10,313) 14,452
Net assets, end of year 74,491 84,804


With Donor Restrictions 2022   2021  
Net assets, beginning of year 29,897 24,448
Increases (decreases)    
Income (loss) from investments (4,339) 4,322
Other nonoperating income (expenses) (1,316) 448
Other changes in net assets (824) 679
Change in donor restricted net assets (6,479) 5,449
Net assets, end of year 23,418 29,897