A large part of the mission and vision for the MGH Institute of Health Professions is centered around leadership, especially service leadership. The Office of Student Affairs and Services created the Student Leadership Awards to recognize students and student groups who have exemplified this value through individual and group contributions to the IHP, campus, and our surrounding communities. 

Nominations are open from February 3 to March 7, 2025.

The Awards will take place on campus on Wednesday, April 2, 2025.

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The awards categories are listed below.

  • Outstanding Student Leadership Award (Individual)
  • Emerging Leader Award (Individual)
  • “Be The Change” Award (Individual or Group)
  • Outstanding IMPACT Award (Group)

Outstanding Student Leadership Award (Individual)

Each year, this award recognizes one student who has made exceptional contributions to the community and demonstrates an ability to look beyond one’s own needs in order to improve an aspect of campus life for the IHP community.

•    Any IHP student who has been at the IHP for at least 1 full semester. 
•    Actively employs the ideals of the Institute’s mission, vision, and core values in all aspects of co-curricular work. 
•    Acts as a lead in a campus project that builds (or will build in the near future) an enhanced sense of community.
•    Offers creative solutions and advocates for positive change.
•    Works to establish co-curricular partnerships and build common ground among students.
•    Demonstrates genuine care for others by encouraging divergent viewpoints and multiple perspectives. 

2023: Matthew Reinemann, PAS ’24 and Leah Rothchild, MS-Nursing ’24
2022: Kana Sakai, MSN ’23 and Corliss Kanasawa, MSN ’22
2021: Alejandra Luna, Doctor of Occupational Therapy, class of 2022, Richard Monari, Communication Science Disorders class of 2021
2020: Alexa McWhinnie, Master of Science in Nursing, class of 2020
2019: Gwendolyn Meredith, Communication Science Disorders, class of 2019

Emerging Leader Award (Individual)

Each year, this award recognizes one student who has made incredible strides in their growth as a leader.

•    A student in their first year at the institute or involved in a new initiative who has shown admirable commitment to any organization or effort on campus. 
•    Represents the core values of the Institute in all co-curricular work.  
•    Participates in experiences that have helped develop their leadership skills. 
•    Inspires and motivates others to become engaged and involved in the life of the campus. 
•    Assumes roles of increased responsibility. 
•    Demonstrates an ability to make an organizational impact from a non-positional leadership position.

2023: Shoshana Weiner, DPT ’24
2022: Scarlett Santos Soto, MSN ’24
2021: Allison Tokar, Doctor of Occupational Therapy, class of 2022
2020: Alejandra Luna, Doctor of Occupational Therapy, class of 2022
2019: Mitchell Kimber, Bachelor of Science Nursing, class of 2019

“Be the Change” Award (Individual or Group)

Each year, this award recognizes one student or group of students for efforts that have enhanced the campus climate as it relates to race, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, culture, socioeconomic status, disabilities, wellness, and more.

•    Demonstrates a commitment to social justice by challenging social inequities.
•    Actively promotes the IHP core value of creating an inclusive community where every person is treated with dignity and respect.
•    Made a significant contribution to under-represented and/or disadvantaged individuals and communities. 

2023: Emily Komarow, MS-SLP ’23 and JEDI Council Student Representatives Amanda Thai, MS-Nursing ’24, Kiki (Rebecca) Broadhurst, MS-Nursing ’24, and Jillian Salis, OTD ’25
2022: Brianna Abbas, MS-SLP ’22
2021: IHP JEDI Fellows, MEDS - Minorities Engaged in Dialogue and Service
2020: Mental Health Club
2019: KinsIHP – LGBTQ Club

Outstanding IMPACT Award (Group)

This award recognizes a group of students who have made an exceptional contribution to the quality of campus life and/or community over the past academic year. 

•    Implemented an innovative and interprofessional on- or off-campus project. 
•    Demonstrates exceptional teamwork.
•    Dedicates quality time to projects, exceeding expectations to ensure an impactful outcome.
•    Works effectively and efficiently as a team member to achieve its mission and objectives, bringing to life the lessons of the Sanders IMPACT Practice Center.

2023: The IHP chapter of the National Student Speech Language Hearing Association (NSSLHA)
2022: Students for Equity and Anti-Racism
2021: Student Occupational Therapy Association
2020: Student Government Association – Facilities Committee
2019: Institute for Healthcare Improvement: Open School Leadership Team