Community Impact Day Projects

During the IHP’s annual Community Impact Day, students, staff, and faculty of the MGH Institute support multiple partner sites in and around Boston for a morning of community service. First-year students were assigned to one of 64 teams of eight to nine members from Communication Sciences & Disorders, Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Physician Assistant Studies, Genetic Counseling, and Physical Therapy and tasked with creating a resource, such as an infographic, poster, checklist, or brief instructional video to meet a designated need identified by a partner site. Due to COVID-19, in 2020 and 2021 Community Impact Day was conducted virtually, which was different than past years.

Community Impact Day is designed to help students reflect on service as a core value inherent to being a health professional. It is also an opportunity for new arrivals to Boston to get to know the communities where they may be working and to consider how a person’s environment influences health.

View, Download, or Print the Projects by Clicking on The Titles Below. Files will open in Dropbox. Once open, to save them to your computer, click the download button at the top of the page.


1st Grade (6-7 years)
COVID Crafts (Tech-free)

2nd Grade (7-8 years)
Turning Over a New Leaf

3rd Grade (8-9 years)
Slime on a Dime
Screen Off, Fun On
Quarantine Off the Screen

4th Grade (9-10 years)
Arts and Crafts

Students created various infographics using the same no-sew blanket instructions. Each one presents a colorful display of instructions and "how-to" images.

No-Sew Blanket 1
No-Sew Blanket 2
No-Sew Blanket 3
No-Sew Blanket 4
No-Sew Blanket 5
No-Sew Blanket 6
No-Sew Blanket 7
No-Sew Blanket 8
No-Sew Blanket 9
No-Sew Blanket 10