The Ruth Sleeper Nursing Center for Clinical Education and Wellness is a nurse-led screening, referral, education, and support resource for Charlestown and Greater Boston-area residents. The Center also oversees the community service students within the School of Nursing perform as part of their studies.

The Nursing Center has a cellphone for the primary care service and a cellphone for the supportive counseling service. 

Primary Care: (617) 655-4693
Supportive Counseling: (857) 270-3101

Mailing Address

Ruth Sleeper Nursing Center

MGH Institute of Health Professions

Charlestown Navy Yard

36 1st Avenue

Boston, MA 02129-4557

For good directions/GPS, request directions to 2 Constitution Plaza, Charlestown, MA 02129Free 4-hour validated parking is available in the building’s surface parking lot. Bring your parking ticket to the front security desk to get validated.

Contact Information

Our Staff

A faculty member at MGH IHP in front of a backdrop displaying the institution's logo. This faculty member is part of the team that delivers the Fast-Track BSN Program, which offers intensive nursing training for professionals making a quick transition to nursing.

Director, Ruth Sleeper Nursing Center for Clinical Education and Wellness Assistant Professor Nursing