Kathy Sabo joined the MGH Institute School of Nursing faculty in 2008. Dr. Sabo is the Director at the Ruth Sleeper Nursing Center for Clinical Education and Wellness, a student-led clinical learning environment that provides free health resources to community clients. She engages in interprofessional activities at the Impact Practice Center, such as the faculty lead for various client wellness groups.

Dr. Sabo’s research focuses on assessing and supporting health promotion among community dwelling populations and outcomes research to develop nursing interventions that improve the health of individuals and communities. Dr. Sabo’s research is grounded in a theoretical framework, the Health-Promoting Self-Care for Older Adults (HPSOA) model, that she developed to guide providers in facilitating health promotion with older adults. The HPSOA model has been utilized to explore loneliness in community dwelling older adults and teens. In addition, Dr. Sabo developed an instrument, Caring for the Caregiver Survey, that measures provider knowledge, attitudes, and practices with supporting older informal caregivers. As a nurse educator, Dr. Sabo utilizes research findings to develop student-led health promotion initiatives in urban residential facilities, school-based settings, and community agencies. Dr. Sabo is the Project Director of $3.1 million HRSA grant to establish a nurse led mobile health service program to address the impacts of the social determinants of health and the health consequences of climate change. Dr. Sabo also serves as Principal Investigator of an outcomes research project assessing a student-led behavioral health service can promote mental health in community dwelling individuals. Both projects align with Dr. Sabo’s program of research.  

  • BA, Biology, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA
  • MSN, Family and Community Health, Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA
  • PhD, Nursing, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, North Dartmouth, MA
  • Health promotion across the lifespan
  • Caregiver health 
  • Clinical education
  • Community engagement

Dr. Sabo has published numerous papers - some titles are highlighted below. You can view a complete listing of Dr. Sabo's publications on Google Scholar or in her CV. 

Facilitating Health-Promoting Self-Care in Older Adults: A Theory Synthesis.

Psychometric Testing of the Caring for the Caregiver Survey for Healthcare Providers. 

Students Tele-All: Self-Efficacy and Self-Reflection as Measures of Student Success in Telepractice Training Across Health Professions.

Knowledge, attitudes, and practices of primary healthcare providers with assessing and supporting older informal caregivers.

Occupational heat stress: An overview for nurse practitioners.

Implementing a Telehealth Supportive Counseling Center with PMHNP Students.


See Google Scholar Profile


In addition, Dr. Sabo regularly presents at conferences and industry events. Please see her CV for a complete list of presentations.

Interprofessional Wellness Groups: A Model for Success at the NEXUS Virtual Summit 2022.

Loneliness and unmet needs of older adults living in publicly supported housing at the MGH Institute of Health Professions Scholarship Day.

Caregiver self-care needs and practices: an integrative review at the Eastern Nursing Research Society 33rd Annual Virtual Scientific Session.

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Awards and Honors

Academic Nursing Early Career Scholarship Award, 2023

Massachusetts Association of Colleges of Nursing

Inge Corliss Research Award, 2021

Sigma Theta Tau International Upsilon Lambda Chapter

Alexandra Paul Simon Mentoring Award, 2020

Sigma Theta Tau International Upsilon Lambda Chapter