Dr. Monagle is a term lecturer at MGH Institute of Health Professions in Boston with over 20 years of teaching experience. She currently teaches foundational concepts and population health in the ABSN program. Her service to the profession includes past president of Massachusetts/Rhode Island League for Nursing (MARILN); past secretary of American Association of Nursing Massachusetts (ANAMASS); and a recent appointment to the Board of Registration for Nursing (BORN) in Massachusetts. Her clinical experience includes critical care, community health, and population health nursing.
Dr. Monagle’s scholarship interests include clinical judgment development, entry into practice, and simulation. Currently she is part of a national research team, focused on teaching and evaluating clinical judgment. In addition, Dr. Monagle is on the advisory board of International Consortium for Outcomes of Nursing Education (ICONEd), a collaborative group of representatives from academia, practice, regulation, and accreditation working to strategically address the academic practice gap. Dr. Monagle has published her work and presented locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally.
- PhD, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, Area of Specialization: Nursing Education, Dissertation: Effect of Modeling on Clinical Judgment Development in Nursing during Simulation
- MSN, Salem State University, Salem, Massachusetts, Area of specialization: Nursing education, Clinical Study: How do nurses communicate with Spanish-speaking clients in the community setting?
- BS, Nursing, Northeastern University
- Diploma, Lawrence Memorial School of Nursing
Dr. Monagle's research focus is on clinical judgment development, entry into practice, and simulation.
Dr. Monagle has published numerous papers - some titles are highlighted below. You can view a complete listing of Dr. Monagle's publications on ResearchGate or in her CV.
Current Practices for Teaching Clinical Judgment: Results From a National Survey.
A Call to Action: Nursing Education Research at a Crossroads.
Clinical judgment model use in pre-licensure nursing curricula: A national update.
Supporting New Nurse Transition into Practice during the COVID-19.
In addition, Dr. Monagle regularly presents at conferences and industry events. Please see her CV for a complete list of presentations.
Integrating Clinical Judgment Models at Eta Tau Salem State University Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International: Faculty Workshop
Integrating “Clinical Judgment Models into Curricula: Framing the Evidence” at 8th International Nurse Education Conference.
Accurate Databases to Move National Nursing Education Research Forward: How Do We Do It? at 2022 NLN Education Summit.
Following the Evidence: Development of a clinical evaluation tool at 2022 NLN Education Summit.
NGN: Next Gen Applications to Educational Settings at National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) for Canadian audience.