Our Mission

The Tedy’s Team Center of Excellence in Stroke Recovery will improve the quality of life for stroke survivors through advances in interprofessional clinical practice and education, clinical research and scholarship, implementation science and advocacy. The Center will also advance the community’s knowledge of the warning signs of stroke through community outreach and education.

Our Goal

Support stroke survivors and their caregivers as they live their best lives. Create a future model of stroke rehabilitation that aligns with fast-tracking evidence-based research into the care of stroke survivors.

illustration of a house with three pillars with "expert faculty and health professions students" at the bottom, three pillars "community outreach", "research" and "rehabilitation care" in the middle and "stroke survivors" on the roof

Furthering the Mission

Through the generous support of Tedy’s Team, a foundation started by former Patriot's player Tedy Brusci and his wife Heidi to raise awareness of stroke and heart disease while supporting survivors, MGH Institute of Health Professions seeks to accomplish the following through this center:

  • Support the advancement of research in the science of stroke recovery and work to disseminate that science to the clinicians who provide care to stroke survivors.
  • Educate the community of Greater Boston about the warning signs of stroke through targeted community outreach and integrating BE FAST education into the clinical visits at our pro bono health center.
  • Provide rehabilitative care consisting of physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy to stroke survivors who are no longer eligible for insurance covered therapy services; we will support their continued progress toward recovery.

If you are interested in supporting the important work of this center through a charitable contribution, please contact Meagan Sheffield.

Occupational therapist guiding a patient in a cooking activity to support motor skill development and independence.

Tedy and Heidi Discuss the Center

Tedy speaks to the camera and sits in a chair next to heidi

Tedy and Heidi Discuss the Center

Tedy's stroke prompted the couple to turn what could have been a tragedy into advocacy.