Research and Scholarship Day
Welcome from Alex Johnson, Provost
State of the Institute- research overview from Nara Gavini, Executive Director of Research
Keynote - Patrice Nicholas, Distinguished Teaching Professor and Director, Center for Climate Change, Climate Justice, and Health
Plenary presentation 1 - Prue Plummer, Professor, Obstacle Crossing as a Risk Assessment Tool for Future Falls in Subacute Stroke
Plenary presentation 2 - Emilie Larrivee, Instructor, Online Trainings for Teaching Assessment Skills to Graduate Student Clinicians: Benefits and Future Directions
Plenary presentation 3 - Alex Hoyt, Assistant Professor, Certification of Nurse Practitioners Working in Adult Acute Care: Results of a National Survey
Stroke Recovery room
11:00-11:15 Eliezer Bose, Topographical Data Analysis to Identify High-Density Clusters in Stroke Patients Undergoing Post-Acute Rehabilitation
11:15-11:30 Danielle K. Kline, Arm Motor Recovery After Ischemic Stroke: A Focus on Clinically Distinct Trajectory Groups
11:30-11:45 Isha Vora, The Relationship Between Somatosensory and Motor Recovery from Acute Hospital Admission to 3 Months Post-Stroke
Pain Management room
11:00-11:15 Chris Joyce, Beyond the Pain: A Qualitative Study Exploring the Physical Therapy Experience of Underserved Patients with Chronic Low Back Pain
11:15-11:30 Paulo Teixeira, Pain Perception in Chronic Knee Osteoarthritis with Varying levels of Pain Inhibitory Control: An Exploratory Study
11:30-11:45 Julie Keysor and Rawan AlHeresh, The Work Experience Survey for Rheumatic Conditions: Reported Barriers among People at Risk of Work Loss
Teaching and Learning room
11:00-11:15 Keshrie Naidoo, Christopher Clock, Lauren Rimmel, Justin Wong, and Laura Plummer, Navigating Higher Education: The Experiences of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Learners in a Doctor of Physical Therapy Program
11:15-11:30 Antonia Makosky, Abraham Ndiwane, Kim Truong, Indigo Young, and Karen Flaherty, Themes from Using OSCE to Teach Cultural Humility to Nurse Practitioner Students
11:30-11:45 Rouzana Komesidou, Julie Wolter, Jessie Rickets, Crystle Alonzo, Norma Hancock, Melissa Fuller, Xue Bao, Mary Rasner, and Tiffany Hogan, Implementing school-based, whole-classroom screenings for developmental language disorder and dyslexia
Clinical Innovations room
11:00-11:15 Allison Cirino, Clinical Outcomes of Families with Cardiac Variants Identified by a Genotype-First Approach
11:15-11:30 Rebecca Hill, Breastfeeding Mothers of Infants with Tongue-Tie May Benefit from Frenotomy, but the Impact on Infant Feeding Remains Unknown
11:30-11:45 Jason Lucey, Kerry Nolte, Leah Hixon, Faith Farnham, Mercedes McCoy, and Jessica Montehermoso, Healthcare Experience of People Who Inject Drugs (PWID)
Effectiveness of Rehabilitation Interventions room
11:00-11:15 Michael Kiefer, Natural History of 10-Meter Walk/Run Test Performance in Spinal Muscular Atrophy: A Longitudinal Analysis
11:15-11:30 Russ Banks, Sports Related Concussion Impacts Speech Rate and Muscle Physiology
11:30-11:45 Megan Schliep, Cue Responsiveness as a Measure of Emerging Language Ability in Aphasia
11:45-12:00 Kristen Nunn and Sofia Vallila-Rohter, A Review of the Mechanisms Supporting Errorless Learning, Errorful Learning, and Retrieval Practice in Aphasia