Paula Delerme is a licensed clinical genetic counselor working in the prenatal genetics subspecialty. Paula graduated from the Howard University genetic counseling program in 2003. She has worked as a genetic counselor in Maternal-Fetal Medicine at Tufts Medical Center and as a research and clinic genetic counselor at Boston Children's Hospital. Paula is currently a senior genetic counselor in the division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine and Prenatal Genetics at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. Paula has a special interest in patient care and mentorship. Paula is a member of the Minority Genetics Professionals Network (MGPN) and the Boston Minority Genetic Counselors (BMGC) group. 

  • B.S., Biology, University of Massachusetts Boston, 1998
  • M.S., Genetics, Howard University, 2003 


Allred, A, Howell, J, Marchand, K, Delerme, P, Poulos, N, Bryke, C, Ferres, MA, O’Brien, B. Cases of Isodicentric and Isochromosome-related False Negatives on SNP-based Cell-free DNA Aneuploidy Screening. Poster presented at the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics Conference, 2022.

Delerme P, Ferres MA, Marchand K, Poulos N, O’Brien, B. Incidental Findings Involving the Sex Chromosomes on cfDNA. Poster presented at the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics Conference, 2019.

Poulos, N, O’Brien B, Ferres MA, Marchand K, Delerme P, Wolfe Z, Bryke C, Spiel M. A case of mixoploidy in the setting of a normal fetus. Poster presented at the National Society of Genetic Counselors Meeting, 2019.

Marchand K, Shainker S, Delerme P, Poulos N, Lichten L, O’Brien B, Ferres MA. Expanding the phenotype of Meckel-Gruber syndrome: first trimester diagnosis of anencephaly. Poster presented at the International Conference on Prenatal Diagnosis and Therapy in Antwerp, Belgium 2018.

Marchand, N, O’Brien, B, Sudhof, L, Poulos, N, Delerme, P, Lichten, L, Ferres, MA. Severely elevated maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein (MSAFP) with a normal outcome. Poster presented at the National Society of Genetic Counselors meeting, 2018. 

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