Mary E. Coughlin is Instructor and Interim Coordinator for the Pediatric NP Specialty in the School of Nursing at MGH Institute of Health Professions.

Mary began her career as a pediatric RN in 1984 and has been a pediatric nurse practitioner since 1994. She continues to practice on a per diem status. Mary taught at Labouré College from 2007-2017, teaching pre-licensure ASN and RN-BSN students. 

  • PhD, Nursing, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
  • MSN, Northeastern University, Boston, MA
  • BSN, Fitchburg State College, Fitchburg, MA
  • Chronic sorrow in parents of children with a chronic illness or disability.
  • Chronic sorrow in parents of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). 

Dr. Coughlin has published numerous papers - some titles are highlighted below. You can view a complete listing of Dr. Coughlin's publications in her CV.

Chronic sorrow in parents of children with a chronic
illness or disability: An integrative literature review.

Measuring chronic sorrow and family-centered care in parents of children with autism spectrum disorder.

Measuring Chronic in Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum.

In addition, Dr. Coughlin regularly presents at conferences and industry events. Please see her CV for a complete list of presentations.

Pediatric Primary Care Workshop at NPACE Primary Care Conference.

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