Dr. Andrist  was Professor in the School of Nursing. She was awarded Professor Emerita status in 2017. 

She held increasing levels of leadership since joining the nursing faculty in 1983. In addition to her teaching responsibilities, she has been coordinator of both the Dual Adult-Women's Health NP track and the Doctor of Nursing Practice program, Interim Dean of the School of Nursing, and most recently Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Program Innovation.

A 2007 Watts Teaching Excellence Award recipient, Dr. Andrist has been a steadfast champion of the Institute's faculty, students, and graduates, and through her area of expertise in women's health, she has worked to improve the lives of women and their families.  

  • RN, Johns Hopkins School of Nursing
  • BSN, University of Maryland
  • MS, Nursing, Russell Sage College
  • WHNP, University of Colorado
  • PhD, Sociology, Brandeis University

Research Interests

  • Image of Nursing
  • DNP Program Development, Curriculum and Role Development
  • Women and Body Image
  • Patients' perceptions of caring behaviors in nurses


2011 The Most Trusted Profession is Invisible on Hospital Websites. Presented at the Spring MONE meeting, MA.

2011 The DNP for Nurse Executives. Presented at the AACN Doctoral Conference, January, 2010, Captiva, FL. Co-authored with Jean Bernhardt and Margery Chisholm.

Refereed Presentations:

2011 Armchair Discussion Organizer: Innovative Strategies for Maximizing NP Clinical Education: NONPF Annual Meeting, April with D. Navedo, P. Reidy, MJ. Henderson, L. Sorensen.

Invited Presentations:

2011 The Most Trusted Profession is Invisible on Hospital Websites – presentation for Certified Nurses Day, St. Mary’s Hospital, Fall River, MA.


Ahmed, S., Andrist, L.C., Davis, S.M., Fuller, V. (2013). The DNP - Redesigning Advanced Practice Roles for the 21st Century: Education, Practice and Policy. Springer Publishing.

Alexander, I., & Andrist, L.C. (2013). Menopause. In Schulling, K. & Likis, F. (Eds) (2nd Ed.), Women’s Gynecologic Health. Jones and Bartlett.