Dr. Justin M. Brown is a board-certified neurosurgeon focused on restoring movement following trauma and paralyzing injuries to the nervous system. He repairs nerves, optimizes function and recovers movement of the extremities.
Dr. Brown began his career as a member of the Neurosurgery faculty of Washington University in St. Louis, where he helped lead the Center for Nerve Injury and Paralysis in collaboration with the Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. He then went on to establish the UC San Diego Paralysis Center, expanding the paralyzing disorders treated to include spinal cord injuries as well as stroke and brain injuries. This center was unique as a comprehensive paralysis center treating all forms of paralysis.
Now, Dr. Brown is collaborating with other doctors at Mass General as well as the Spaulding Rehabilitation Network to establish the East Coast's first comprehensive paralysis center.
- Vanderbilt University, BS 1996
- Eastern Virginia Medical School, MD 2001
- Baylor College of Medicine, Neurosurgery 2007
- Washington University School of Medicine, Peripheral Nerve Surgery 2008
Research Interests
Neurophysiological predictors of outcomes following nerve injury and nerve transfer procedures.
Restoring bladder function following sacral root injury with somatic to autonomic nerve transfers
Brown JM, Mahan MA, Mandeville R, Carter BS. Establishing reconstructive neurosurgery as a subspecialty. Neurosurgical Focus 2017;43(1):E7.
Brown JM, Vivio, N, Sheean GL. The clinical practice of reconstructive neurosurgery. Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery 2012;114(5):506-514.
Brown JM. The Reconstructive Neurosurgery of spinal cord injury, In Dimitrijevic MR, Kakulas BA, McKay WB and Vrbova G (Eds.). The Restorative Neurology of Spinal Cord Injury. Oxford University Press, 2012. 134-168.
Mandeville RM, Brown JM, Sheean GL. Semi-Quantitative Electromyography as a Predictor of Nerve Transfer Outcome. Clinical Neurophysiology 2019, 130(5):701-706.
Brown JM, Barbe MF, Albo ME, Ruggieri MR. Anatomical feasibility of performing a nerve transfer from the femoral branch to bilateral pelvic nerves in a cadaver: a potential method to restore bladder function following proximal spinal cord injury: Laboratory investigation. Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine 2013;18(6):598-605.