Gregory Lof, PhD, CCC-SLP, was Department Chair and Professor in the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders. He was awarded Professor Emeritus status in 2017.
Dr. Lof is widely published, primarily in the area of childhood speech sound disorders. He has presented over 50 peer-reviewed and 90 invited presentations/workshops at ASHA conventions, universities, school districts, and state and international association conventions.
He was the keynote speaker at the annual convention of Speech Pathology Australia (2010), and the Velo-Cardio-Facial Syndrome international conference (2011), and was named the Oyer Distinguished Lecturer at Michigan State University (2013). Dr. Lof was the topic coordinator for speech sound disorders twice for ASHA conventions and has served on eight ASHA Convention Program Committees.
He is or has been an editorial consultant for the ASHA journals. He was a member of ASHA’s Center for Evidence-Based Practice in Communication Disorders that conducted evidence-based systematic reviews of oral motor exercises. He was also on the communications committee of the Council on Academic Programs in Communication Sciences and Disorders (CAPCSD) and is now the Treasurer of this organization.
Dr. Lof finished a three-year term as the Massachusetts representative on the ASHA Speech-Language Pathology Advisory Board and now serves on the Scientific and Professional Education Board of ASHA.
Dr. Lof became a Fellow of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association in 2012.
- BS, Speech Pathology and Audiology, Minnesota State University, Moorhead
- MS, Speech-Language Pathology, Minnesota State University, Moorhead
- PhD, Communication Disorders, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Research Interests
Dr. Lof's research, teaching, and clinical interests primarily are with children who have speech sound disorders. He is involved in promoting evidence-based clinical practice, helping clinicians distinguish between pseudoscience and science. Recently he has been studying the lack of efficacy of using nonspeech oral motor exercises to change speech sound productions.
Lof, G.L. (2015). The nonspeech-oral motor exercise phenomenon in speech pathology practice. In C. Bowen, Children's speech sound disorders, 2nd Edition, Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
Lof, G.L., & D. Ruscello (2013). Don’t blow this therapy session! Perspectives in Speech Sciences and Orofacial Disorders.
King, J., Watson, M., & Lof, G.L. (2012). Practice patterns of speech-language pathologists assessing intelligibility of dysarthric speech. Journal of Medical Speech-Language Pathology, 20(11), 1-16.
Lof, G.L. (2011). Science-based practice and the speech-language pathologist. International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 13(3), 189-196.
See Curriculum Vitae for complete list.