Carmen Vega-Barachowitz is the Director of Departments of the Speech, Language and Swallowing & Reading Disabilities, Chaplaincy, and Medical Interpreters at Massachusetts General Hospital; and Assistant Professor in the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders at MGH Institute.
She has been named a Diversity Champion by the American Speech and Hearing Association (ASHA) and has earned the Partners in Excellence Award from MGH a number of times.
Ms. Vega-Barachowitz became a Fellow of the American Speech-Language Association in 2015.
- BS, Speech-Language Pathology, Florida State University
- MS, Speech-Language Pathology, Florida State University
Cohen, AK, Goldsmith, T, Vega-Barachowitz, C. (2016) Speech-language pathology in the acute inpatient setting. (In) Medical speech-language pathology: A practitioner’s guide. 3rd ed. A Johnson & BH Jacobson, eds. New York: Thieme Medical Publishers.
See CV for a full list of publications.