D2L: All of our online prerequisite courses use the learning platform software called Desire2Learn (D2L). D2L integrates text, video, and audio. You can check your system compatibility by reviewing the D2L system recommendations.
Textbook: If a textbook is required, every effort is made to choose high-quality, low-cost materials that students can buy and sell, rent and return, or buy and use again in future courses.
Lab Kit / Supplies: Lab kits/supplies allow students to conduct hands-on experiments at home. Information about purchasing lab kits and/or supplies will be provided to registered students approximately 6 weeks before the start of the semester.
Web-Based Learning Application: Web-based applications often serve as an alternative to a traditional textbook or lab kit. Most require students to register for a separate application that will integrate seamlessly with the D2L platform.
Standard word and data processing: Technology that allows the student to create, edit, and save documents and files.
Ability to video conference: Technology that allows live, visual connection between individuals who are in different locations.
Ability to upload photos/videos: Technological capabilities through which a student could record a short video or still image and upload it to an online learning system.