The School of Nursing held a “State of the School” event earlier this month inside a packed Shouse classroom. Dean Ken White, who will retire on July 5, walked attendees through a presentation that touched upon how, during his three year tenure, the school raised its visibility, grew research and scholarship, strengthened its infrastructure and deepened connections—all pillars of success for faculty, staff, and student excellence.
“I think we've made we've made a much bigger splash and I also think that in Boston, and in Massachusetts, we’re seen as a major competitor by all the other nursing schools,” White told the nursing audience. “I think we've made tremendous progress and people do know who we are.”
Among the highlights:
School of Nursing Accomplishments: 2021 – 2024
- Strengthened relationships with Mass General Hospital through placements and scholarships
- Created new relationship with and Mass Eye and Ear through placements and scholarships
- Partnered with Martha’s Vineyard Hospital through a reimagined remote ABSN program
- Global service learning trips to Malawi,Uganda, and India
- Launched annual Natalie Petzold Lecture with 2022 and 2023 events in 1 CW, and MGH in 2024
- Inclusion on the Mass General Brigham Chief Nursing Officers Council
- Increase in SON Continuing Education Offerings – 54 Workshops
- More than 60 DNP Grads
- Redesigned ABSN curriculum from 18 12-months
- 100% NCLEX pass rate for DEN cohort in 2024
- Center for Climate Change, Climate Justice and Health educated more than 10,000 learners
- Dr. Patrice Nicholas, Director, was only nurse named to inaugural cohort of the National Institute of Health’s Climate and Health Scholars program
- 170 research publications; 14 research grants with 6 NIH grants under review
- Significant increase in clinical placements, particularly within MGB system
- Welcomed international and national visitors
- Launched Gerontological and Palliative Care Partnership with Mass General Hospital
- 50 faculty/staff awards
- 6 Fellows inducted into American Academy of Nursing
- Faculty member winning Excellence in Teaching Award from NERBNA
- Designated NLN Center of Excellence in Education
- Celebrated fifth anniversary of Ruth Sleeper Center
- Awarded $10 million in grants including $3.1 million from U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Health Resources and Service Administration; $1 million from the Commonwealth to educate complex care nurses, and nearly $6 million from the U.S. Department of Labor for graduate degrees and certificates for nurse educators
“I couldn't have done this job without all of you,” said White, as he wrapped up his final presentation to the School of Nursing faculty and administrative staff colleagues. “So, I want to thank all of you. What I see here in the work that you do with our students and with each other is an act of love. It's an act of love, and it's an act of compassion. That's all it can be. The only way we can release our potential is through the love of our work and the love of how we contribute our gifts and talents for the good of society… I wish you all the best and I know you're in fine hands. Thank you all.”
Director of Community Engagement Pat Reidy will serve as interim dean until White’s replacement is named, which is expected by the end of the year.