Aspiring Nurse & Career Changer
Why are you pursuing a graduate degree in the health professions?
“Career change”
What online prerequisite courses have you taken at the IHP?
"Anatomy & Physiology 1 - Lecture, Anatomy & Physiology 1 - Lab, Anatomy & Physiology 2 - Lecture, Anatomy & Physiology 2 - Lab, Introduction to Biology 1 - Lecture, Introduction to Biology 1 - Lab, General Chemistry 1, Microbiology - Lecture, Microbiology - Lab, Nutrition, Developmental Psychology, Introductory Statistics."
Why did you choose to take your prerequisites at the IHP?
“With a wealth of online learning options these days, I chose the IHP because I was looking for a program that offered hands-on lab experiences with remote learning.”
What have you liked the most about your online prerequisite courses at the IHP?
“I have come to really appreciate the flexibility offered by the course structure at the IHP. The wide variety of learning tools provided in each class have also given me the opportunity to tailor the class to best suit my personal learning style.”
What has been your favorite online prerequisite course?
“Anatomy & Physiology 2 - Lecture, Nutrition.”
What advice would you give to someone considering taking their prerequisite courses online?
"The advice I would give anyone taking their prerequisites online would be make sure you have a study schedule and stick with it!! The flexibility is a beautiful thing, yet you need to make sure you stay in top of your work and hold yourself accountable."