(Pronouns: she/her)

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What year did you start the program? 

What are your prior degrees and at which institutions? 
Bachelor of Science in Occupational Therapy, The Ohio State University, 1989

What was your favorite course in the program?
That is difficult to answer because every course offered was valuable to my development and work. I was inspired and empowered by our last course, OT/CS889 Dissemination and Implementation Science, because it gave me the language and structure to implement innovation and helped tie together a solution for my innovation project.

What was your Innovation Project title? 
The Helping Hand Center: Innovative Occupational Therapy Clinical Education in Hand Therapy Within Entry-level Academic Programs

Tell us about your Innovation Project.
I designed a business plan for a pro-bono clinic model that aims to connect OTs who work in hand therapy to OT students and faculty as part of OT entry-level education. A formative evaluation was completed to inform barriers and facilitators for implementation at a university.

What do you think is special about the Post-Professional OTD program here at the MGH Institute?
The people and support system within the IHP are outstanding. You are embraced by a community the moment you start your journey. I was empowered to incorporate a growth mindset that allowed me to find my voice academically, professionally, and personally.

Why did you choose to come to this program? 
As a seasoned OT, I have always dreamed of returning to school for my advanced degree. I came across a post on social media interviewing an OT with a BS degree who returned to school to obtain a PP-OTD at the IHP. I signed up for an informational session on a whim and spoke with Dr. McKinnon, who showed me that my dream could be a reality. I chose this program because it offered a bridge for an OT with a BS to complete a PP-OTD. The online format and classwork are designed for the working individual in mind. The program culminates with an innovation project developed and refined each semester using mentorship with faculty advisors that made it realistic and practical.

What are your goals for the future after you graduate?
I am excited to explore new opportunities with my OTD. I hope to continue part-time work as a clinician and transition to teaching at the university level. I plan to disseminate my project by submitting a manuscript to the Journal of Occupational Therapy Education and conference proposals on a national level for the American Occupational Therapy Association and the American Society of Hand Therapists.