A teaching portfolio is a personal record for documenting and collecting work that represents your teaching philosophy, goals, and achievements.
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Compiling your teaching artifacts (e.g., assessments, assessment instruments, course design documents, syllabi, student assignments and projects, peer observation reports, teaching awards and certificates, professional certifications, etc.) in a central location allows you an opportunity to review and reflect on your accomplishments. It also allows you to see where there may be gaps or areas that need strengthening. Portfolios that are created for this type of self-assessment are also known as working or developmental portfolios.
Your personal teaching portfolio may also be used to submit for review for employment (an addendum to your CV, for instance) or promotion, depending on your department’s requirements. These portfolios are also called presentation, showcase, or evaluative portfolios.
For more information on different types of teaching portfolios see:
Davis, B. G. (2009). Tools for teaching. John Wiley & Sons, pp. 481-488. Available in the Teaching Resources Lending Library.
While there are no standard conventions in what should be included in a teaching portfolio, here are some suggested steps to get you started:
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