President Paula Milone-Nuzzo shares what the school has done over the past six months regarding its commitment to equity and anti-oppression, which includes efforts to communicate effectively around racism and oppression, which are key issues that have cr

I am writing to provide an update on the JEDI activities that the Institute has engaged in since my last update in January. The murder of George Floyd changed our sense of urgency in creating a community that is committed to the work of antiracism and anti-oppression throughout the Institute. We are no longer satisfied with just thinking about how to create an inclusive community with the values of social justice and equity; we must take action to make this a reality for the IHP. 

In 2018, we created the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, which was renamed the Office of Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in 2020. From the inception of the JEDI Office, we believed that creating an inclusive community was the responsibility of each member of the Institute. Our JEDI leaders would facilitate that work, but each of us has a responsibility to identify areas of racism or oppression in our systems, in our curricula, and in our interactions with each other and work to eliminate them from the IHP. This was the message we sent out in June of 2020 following the murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Tony McDade, among others, and this is still what we believe about our commitment to equity and anti-oppression. 

The Power, Privilege and Positionality (PPP) program that we provide three times a year is evidence of our commitment to begin our students’ experience at the IHP with an understanding of IHP values, and the language and words that we can use to communicate effectively around racism and oppression, which are key issues that have created disparities in health care. We also require all employees to attend and participate in one PPP event each year, which is included as part of their annual evaluation. It is not enough for our students to be well versed in this content – our employees must be as well. 

Below is a summary of the many activities facilitated by the JEDI Office in the past six months which have engaged so many of us to do the work required to make the important changes needed in our curriculum and in our systems and processes.

As always, thank you for all you do to make the IHP the welcoming and inclusive environment that it is. We will continue the journey, recognizing the role we each play in achieving this goal.

The 2019 and 2020 Diversity & Inclusion survey data was discussed and analyzed by the JEDI Council, and recommendations were made to share the findings with SGA and academic departments. Dr. Kim Truong, Chief Equity Officer, presented the findings at an SGA meeting and an all-faculty meeting and followed up with departments about specific themes. Departments were asked for updates on their JEDI initiatives, to be reported back to the JEDI Council. 

JEDI Leadership Award
We launched the inaugural JEDI Leadership Award for faculty and staff. This award will be presented at Convocation 2022 this September. 

JEDI Core Competencies
JEDI Fellows Kana Sakai and Corliss Kanazawa, with support from the JEDI Office, developed the JEDI Core Competencies, which were approved by the JEDI Council. Kim will present the JEDI Core Competencies to the Academic Council for approval this fall. Some departments have already started to use them to examine their curricula. 

JEDI Curriculum and Pedagogy Community of Practice and Faculty Development Days 
In September 2021, the JEDI Office launched a JEDI Curriculum and Pedagogy Community of Practice (CoP) initiative. This is a voluntary group for people moving curriculum and pedagogy work. This space is an opportunity to share experiences, identify needs, develop initiatives, strengthen our work, provide mutual support, foster community, and advance strategic actions for the group and the IHP. 

The current CoP includes participants from SON, GC, OT, IMPACT, CSD, PT, PA, the Online Pre-Requisites program, and Instructional Design. It is facilitated by Dr. Callie Watkins Liu, Director of JEDI Curriculum, Pedagogy and Faculty Support. The group held two IHP-wide Faculty Development Day conversations about JEDI at the IHP.  

JEDI Strategic Planning
We are providing technical support to the Enrollment Management committees that are examining admissions and scholarship policies, access and retention, and affordability so they can develop a JEDI strategic plan for enrollment management.

Student Supports
Jammy Millet, Associate Director of Social Justice Education & Student Engagement in the JEDI Office, in collaboration with OSAS, chairs the Wellness Council Subcommittee for BIPOC, LGBTQIA+, and FGLI Student Support. The subcommittee has hosted four wellness-centered events and provided funding for six student-led affinity space events for students this semester. 

We are meeting with alumni this Fall to share office updates and engage in a Q & A.