School of Nursing Associate Dean for Academic Affairs Rebecca Hill has a new title: Governor-at-large.
The 11-year veteran of the MGH Institute was recently elected to that post by the National League for Nursing, whose mission is to promote excellence in nursing education.
Hill serves on the executive board for the Massachusetts/Rhode Island League for Nursing (MARILN).
“I've been on the board there for several years - I'm the secretary through the end of the year,” said Hill. “The next logical step was to move towards more of a national presence with the lead organization, the National League for Nursing (NLN). I'm excited to bring my ideas, my thoughts, and some initiatives forward to advance nursing education at all levels.”
Hill is also co-chair of the international Committee on Interprofessional Research, Education, and Ankyloglossia Science and is an active member of several professional organizations including the American Nurses Association, American Association of Nurse Practitioners, and Sigma Theta Tau International. She was inducted into the American Academy of Nursing in 2023.
NLN President and CEO Beverly Malone, PhD, RN, FAAN, welcomed Hill and the other newly elected governors at-large and new committee members.
“We are deeply indebted to these remarkable individuals for dedicating their personal time to serve nursing education,” said Malone. “They generously bring their wealth of experience, as well as a tireless work ethic, to support and enhance our outstanding programs and activities in countless ways.”
“My main passion is nursing education, so all things encompassing the science of nursing education for both future and current nurses,” said Hill. “I am excited to bring my ideas and some initiatives forward throughout my three-year term. I hope to contribute to innovation and advancements in nursing education, not just for the IHP but for the nation.”
Hill will leave the MGH Institute on January 3, 2025, to become Professor and Senior Associate Dean of Academic Affairs at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.