(pronouns: she/her/hers/they/them/theirs)
Kimberly A. Truong, PhD is Chief Equity Officer in the Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) Office at MGH Institute of Health Professions. Dr. Truong is also an adjunct lecturer on education at the Harvard Graduate School of Education and a faculty affiliate of the MGH Center for Cross-Cultural Student Emotional Wellness. Prior to coming to the MGH Institute, Dr. Truong was the Director of Inclusion Programs at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. In this role, Dr. Truong worked closely with Dr. John Silvanus Wilson, Senior Advisor and Strategist in the Office of the President at Harvard University, as a member of the senior leadership team on diversity, inclusion, and belonging to implement policies, programs, and practices across the university. Before joining the Harvard Chan School, Dr. Truong was an Administrative Fellow through the Harvard Office of the Assistant to the President on Diversity and Equity.
Dr. Truong is Co-Chair of the Association of Harvard Asian and Asian American Faculty and Staff. She is actively involved in public service as an appointed member of the Self-Determination Advisory Board with the Department of Developmental Services of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Dr. Truong previously served as Vice Chairperson and Commissioner of the Asian American Commission of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
In 2019, Penn GSE recognized Dr. Truong for her significant contributions to the field through professional achievement and community service. She was given an Early Career Award of Merit. In 2018, Dr. Truong received the NASPA Region I Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Award for having a strong and sustained record of professional activities that promote equity, diversity, and inclusion, being actively engaged in advocating for and advancing equity, diversity, and inclusion, having a reputation for taking a stand on critical issues related to equity, diversity, and inclusion, is dedicated to creating an inclusive campus culture and is known as someone whose work has “broken barriers” and in so doing, has served as a role model, and helped to facilitate employment and educational access and opportunity for others from diverse backgrounds.
Dr. Truong has conducted research on access and equity issues in higher education, university student experiences, and higher education policy. She is nationally recognized for research on the experiences of doctoral students of color with racism and racial trauma. Her written works have been published in the Harvard Educational Review, International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, New Directions for Institutional Research, and About Campus. Dr. Truong co-founded the Support Network for Asian American and Pacific Scholars. She served on the membership committee of the American Educational Research Association (AERA) Qualitative Research Special Interest Group (SIG), was Treasurer of the AERA Research on the Education of Asian and Pacific Americans (REAPA) SIG, and served as Co-Editor of the REAPA Newsletter.
- BA, Fine Arts and Politics, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA
- EdM, Higher Education, Harvard Graduate School of Education, Cambridge, MA
- PhD, Higher Education, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Gona, C. M., Pusey-Reid, E., Reidy, P. A., Truong, K. A., & Tagliareni, M. E. (2023). Navigating the road to justice and equity in a school of nursing: A quality improvement program. Journal of Nursing Education, 62(1), 20-27.
Ndiwane, A.N., Makosky, A., Truong, K. A., Young I., Flaherty, K. (2022). Themes from Using OSCE to Teach Cultural Humility to Nurse Practitioner. The Association of Black Nursing Faculty Foundation Journal, 1(3), 69-75.
Cahn, P. S., Makosky, A., Truong, K. A., Young, I., Boutin, E. R., Jr., Chan-Smutko, G., Murphy, P., & Milone-Nuzzo, P. (2022). Introducing the language of anti-racism during graduate school orientation. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education, (15)1, 1-6.
Cahn, P., Gona, C., Naidoo, K., & Truong, K. A. (2021). Disrupting bias without trainings: The effect of equity advocates on faculty search committees. Innovative Higher Education, 47, 253-272.
Truong, K. A. & Cahn, P. (2022). Resisting resistance to anti-racism. Insights into Diversity. https://www.insightintodiversity.com/resisting-resistance-to-anti-racism/
Truong, K. A. (2021). Common DEI Pitfalls. Diverse Issues in Higher Education. Retrieved from https://www.diverseeducation.com/opinion/article/15109470/common-dei-pitfalls.
Truong, K. A. (2021) Making the invisible visible: Acknowledging faculty of color invisible labor. Inside Higher Ed. Retrieved from https://www.insidehighered.com/advice/2021/05/28/why-and-how-colleges-should-acknowledge-invisible-labor-faculty-color-opinion.
Truong K. A. & Martinez, K. P. (2021). From DEI to JEDI. Diverse Issues in Higher Education. Retrieved from https://diverseeducation.com/article/211514.
Truong K. A. & Martinez, K. P. (2020). Online anti-oppressive orientation during COVID-19. Diverse Issues in Higher Education. Retrieved from https://diverseeducation.com/article/186269.