General Resources

Lancet Countdown on Health and Climate Change, 2024

Published annually, the Lancet Countdown is an international, multidisciplinary collaboration, dedicated to monitoring the evolving health profile of climate change, and providing an independent assessment of the delivery of commitments made by governments worldwide under the Paris Agreement. 


Lancet Countdown on Health and Climate Change: Policy Brief for the United States of America, 2024

This annual Policy Brief is supported by a diverse group of health experts from institutions, organizations, and centers who recognize that climate change is first and foremost a health crisis. It uses indicator data for the United States (U.S.) from the global Lancet Countdown report and recent scientific studies to expose the inequitable health risks of climate change and highlights opportunities to improve health through swift action.

Reports and Webinars

2022 Symposium: Climate Change and Health 2022: A Roadmap for Grassroots Advocacy, April 2022 Webinar Recording


Climate Center Member Podcasts

Insights on Climate, Environment, Health and Nursing

If you build it, they will come.

Apple Podcasts: Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners

Nurses and Other Health Professionals: Climate change education and mentorship

Climate Justice and Health explains how climate change affects human health


Blum Center

The Massachusetts General Hospital Maxwell & Eleanor Blum Patient and Family Learning Center is a free resource to help community members learn about health and illness. The Center co-sponsors this Blum Center Climate Change and Health series on heat-related illness and vector-borne diseases in a climate-changing world. Find them on the Blum Center website

June 25, 2024: Climate Change Challenges in 2024 and Beyond

March 26, 2024: Climate Change and Considerations for Populations with Disabilities

September 2023: Climate Change and Extreme Heat in 2023

May 10, 2023: Hot Days and Bad Air – Dangerous Dance Partners

April 20, 2023: The Importance of Communication About Climate Change

February 22, 2023: The Intersection Between Climate Change and Malnutrition on Health

January 19, 2023: Migration of Populations with Implications for Health

December 12, 2022: Populations at Higher Risk for Health Consequences of Climate Change

November 29, 2022: Exploring the Extent of Health Consequences Surrounding Climate Change

October 13, 2022: Health Care Sustainability Initiatives to Promote Waste Reduction

September 19, 2022: Mental Health Impacts of Climate Change

July 25, 2022: Vector-Borne Diseases in a Climate-Changing World

July 18, 2022: An Overview of Heat-Related Illness in a Climate-Changing World 



The annual report quantifying the Institute’s sustainability and recycling initiatives. This program has been in place for a number of years and is one of the factors contributing to the Shouse Building designated with LEEDS Operations and Management certification. These initiatives are coordinated and planned by Tyler Leary, Vanessa Desrochers and Ron Uliano.


Recycling Report FY 2022