PP-OTD Alum Takes on New Role at IHP’s OT CLiPR

IHP Interview: Megan Schliep on Implementation Science

Jordan Green Notches Highest Award Bestowed by American Speech-Language-Hearing Association

The IHP Interview: Steve Ciesielski on DEI and White Privilege

Alumna Adds Moderator to Her Resume at the Week in RARE Conference

Alumna Returns to The IHP for a PhD in Rehabilitation Sciences Degree to Improve Patient Access to Evidence-Based Care

IHP Interview: Rebecca Pham and Dismantling Anti-Fatness in Healthcare

Brenda Lovette, PhD, MS, CCC-SLP

Tim DeLuca, PhD, MS, CCC-SLP

Katharine M. Radville, PhD, MS, CCC-SLP

The IHP Interview: Lauryn Zipse on Melodic Intonation Therapy

The IHP Interview: Rebecca Willman on Occupational Therapy as a Tool for Eating Disorder Treatment