At the Dr. Charles A. and Ann Sanders IMPACT Practice Center, members of the community encounter the best approaches to health and wellness, child development, chronic care, and recovery as students from multiple disciplines work in teams to provide exceptional care. Pediatric and adult clients receive comprehensive services addressing a range of needs stemming from speech and language disorders, stroke, brain injury, behavioral health, and other chronic conditions.

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impact practice center health wellness and learning

The Sanders IMPACT Center enables student teams from across the health professions to deliver integrated services as part of your clinical education. By providing this free team-based care under the supervision of the Institute's practicing clinician faculty, students enrolled in the nursing, occupational therapy, physical therapy, physician assistant studies, and speech-language pathology programs receive a priceless benefit: real-life experience.

Clinical education in the Center involves working with clients as well as learning via simulation with simulated participants. Our client age range is across the lifespan and they receive comprehensive services addressing a range of needs stemming from speech and language disorders, stroke, brain injury, behavioral health, and other chronic conditions. Our simulations enhance your learning through practice in taking histories, communicating with clients, physical examinations, and more. 

A simulation lab provides learning experiences in two acute-care inpatient rooms, equipped with an observation and control room and live video feeds and capture. More than two dozen interactive simulation manikins, including birthing, infant, pediatric, and adult manikins, allow hands-on practice in a simulated real-world environment.

Tour the Center

Care Offered at the Center

The Sanders IMPACT Center offers clinical treatment services for members of the community, called clients. Services include health assessment, physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech, language and literacy therapy for individuals with:

  • Aphasia
  • Autism
  • Brain injury
  • Children’s communication disorders
  • Developmental issues
  • Hearing concerns and hearing loss
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Obesity
  • Parkinson's Disease
  • Reading difficulties
  • Stroke and cardiac disease
  • Other chronic conditions such as diabetes and hypertension

Wellness group programming is provided by a variety of disciplines with interdisciplinary opportunities. Current groups are designed for people with stroke, Parkinson's Disease, and new parents and infants.

We welcome clients from across the lifespan, including adults, children, and newborns with their parents.

We see clients who have no health insurance, have exhausted their benefits, or have chronic conditions not covered by their health insurance.

We serve clients who often have multiple chronic conditions that require management or referrals.

We offer 4 hours of free parking per visit for our clients in the surface lot outside of the Center. If you are able, many of our clients travel by MBTA bus/train and the RIDE.  

The IMPACT Practice Center entrance is located on the 1st floor of 2 Constitution Wharf and is fully accessible; located in an elevator building. 

For good directions/GPS, request directions to 2 Constitution Plaza, Charlestown, MA 02129

Maps and Directions

Are you a Massachusetts resident living with Parkinson's Disease? Are you interested in meeting other people living with PD from the comfort of your own home?

If yes, join a team of interprofessional health profession students from the MGH Institute of Health Professions online as they facilitate conversations about health and wellness in Parkinson's Disease. Tuesdays 2:30-3:15pm.

Sign up


At the Dr. Charles A. and Ann Sanders IMPACT Practice Center, members of the community are provided with the best approaches to wellness, chronic care, and recovery as students from multiple disciplines work in teams to provide exceptional care. The 15,000 square foot facility located at 2 Constitution Wharf allows the Institute to offer thousands of hours of free care and services – valued at more than $1 million – to the Charlestown and Boston area community.

Clients receive comprehensive services that address a range of needs stemming from speech disorders, stroke, brain injury, and other chronic conditions.

Services also include a wide variety of wellness and educational programming for clients and caregivers. These free, supervised services not only change the lives of our clients, but also the future practice of our students as they learn to deliver team-based care.

Donations of any amount will help further the important work of the Center, In addition, the following naming opportunities are available. Donors will be recognized with permanent signage in the Sanders IMPACT Practice Center.

Make a Gift

  • Treatment beds within the treatment rooms
  • Equipment in the Adult Rehab Gym
  • Treatment Rooms 
  • Health Assessment & Exam Rooms 
  • Faculty Observation Room
  • Student Room
  • Faculty Room
  • Reception Area
  • Waiting Area
  • Children's Rehab Gym
  • Community Room

Providing Care for the Community

At the Centers, and in our local communities, students from multiple disciplines work in interprofessional teams to provide exceptional care; giving members of the local community the best approaches to wellness, chronic care, and recovery.  

The Center includes:

  • Caregiver support
  • 25 private treatment spaces
  • Screening and referral services
  • Supportive counseling to address mental health 
  • Services for children focusing on communication, sensory, and motor challenges
  • Adult rehabilitation therapy gym wherein clients with a range of physical disabilities work to improve strength, balance, and coordination
  • State-of-the-art technology, allowing caregivers to observe live sessions, and faculty to debrief with students using video feedback 
  • Educational programming in the 70-seat community room including wellness programs, caregiver and client support groups.. 
two young boys smile at the camera one sits on a woman's lap who holds a tablet

Meet the Team & Contact the Center

For GPS, request directions to 2 Constitution Plaza, Charlestown, MA 02129

MGH Institute Logo on stone

The MGH Institute’s Dr. Charles and Ann Sanders IMPACT Practice Center brings together students from across the health professions to learn and practice in interprofessional teams and to deliver essential free care to the community.

rachel has curly brown hair and wears a grey blazer

Assistant Professor, Communication Sciences and Disorders Assistant Dean for Interprofessional Practice Center for Interprofessional Education and Practice

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Policies and Procedures for Students, Faculty & Staff (Password Protected PDF)


The Charles A. and Ann Sanders Impact Practice Center at the MGH Institute of Health Professions is the practice arm of the Institute, connecting its top-notch academic training in the health professions fields to rich interprofessional supervised practice environments within and outside of the campus to community partners, in order to bridge service gaps experienced by a diverse society along the healthcare continuum and in order to advance scholarship.

  • Serve as a national leader in the delivery of excellent interprofessional education, serving a diverse society through an equity-minded client-centered focus and bridging gaps in service provision across the healthcare continuum.
  • Advance innovative models of service delivery to improve client outcomes and quality of life.
  • Bridge care between community partners and the Impact Practice Center through a partnership model where all parties (e.g. client, referral source, IPC) derive substantial and mutual benefit.
  • Generate and translate knowledge to improve clinical and educational outcomes through distinctive programs of research.

We are an interprofessional learning and practice environment that is student and client-centered, evidence-based, grounded in principles of justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion that reflects on our practices through Continuous Quality Improvement cycles, and evolves with society in our service delivery and in the collaborative partnerships we share with our community partners.

  • Expand breadth and scale of clinical education opportunities to serve diverse communities ininterprofessional practice environments.
  • Expand breadth and scale of services we provide to new and diverse clients and populations.
  • Enhance partnerships with our community, including education systems, healthcare systems, and community resources to improve our shared clients’ experiences in receiving services and meeting theneeds of all partners.
  • Increase the IPC’s portfolio of scholarship, including clinical and educational research, to disseminate regionally, nationally, and internationally.