On-Street Parking

There is limited metered parking along First Avenue and on other streets in the Navy Yard. Metered parking is 25¢ for each 12 minutes with a two-hour maximum (per block), and is enforced by the City of Boston between 8:00 a.m and 8:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday. If you drive in for the day, be prepared to move your car every two hours. You can download and utilize the ParkBoston app to manage your parking.

Parking Lots & Garages

Flagship Wharf

197 8th Street, Boston, MA 02129

Parking is available at the Flagship Wharf Garage with the entrance on 8th Street. Parking is not discounted by the IHP and is available at the current running rate. Please note this garage is valet only and is available on a first come first serve basis.

Building 199 Parking Garage

199 5th Ave, Boston, MA 02129

Building 199 is a block away from the research building, and four blocks from Buildings 34,36, and 39.

Visitors can park and pay a daily rate:

0-1 hour


1-2 hours


2-4 hours


4-24 hours


The MGH Building 199 Garage is currently full and is not accepting new applicants. Employees can put their name on a waitlist by logging into MGH Commuter’s Corner.

  • Once spots become available, employees can sign up for monthly ($127/month) or debit ($150 for 20 debits) parking at the MGH Building 199 Garage. One debit represents one opportunity to park. The Parking Office in the Building 199 Garage is open Monday thru Friday 8am to 4pm. 
  • Access is granted with your MGH Institute ID badge, after paying a $25 registration fee at the parking office. Employees must bring their Institute ID badge to the parking office in Building 199 to pay via credit or debit card and to have their ID badge scanned for access.
  • There is free parking after 5:00 p.m. on weekdays, all day on weekends, and holidays, using a MGH Institute ID badge.
  • Please contact MGH Commuter Services at commuterservices [at] partners.org (commuterservices[at]partners[dot]org) or (617) 724-6588 for more information on how to sign up.

Limited spaces are available first come first serve. Students can sign up for parking by purchasing 20 debits for $150 (one debit represents one opportunity to park). Parking debits do not expire and can be used at any time. Any debits remaining after you leave the IHP can be refunded back to your credit or debit card. 

Access is granted to your MGH IHP badge after paying a $30 registration fee. Students must bring a completed “Charlestown Navy Yard Garage Registration Form” and their Institute ID badge to the parking office in Building 199 to pay via credit/debit card and have their badge scanned for access. The Parking Office in the Building 199 Garage is open Monday thru Friday 8am to 4pm. Please contact MGH Commuter Services at commuterservices [at] partners.org or 617-724-6588 with any questions.

Students enrolled in parking at the 199 Garage receive free parking using their Institute ID badge 4:45pm-9:30am on weekdays, and all day on weekends and holidays.

Students can also get free access, upon request, to the Fruit Street, Parkman Street, or Yawkey Garages Monday-Friday 5:30pm to 9:30am and Saturday/Sunday (weekend access before 2:15pm park at the Charles River Plaza Garage (beneath the Wyndham Hotel). After 2:15pm you may park in the Fruit Street, Parkman Street, or Yawkey Garages). Students interested in only free night & weekend access to the MGH Garages can visit the Parking and Commuting Services Office at Wang 232 Boston, MA 02144 (Monday to Friday 7:30am to 5pm) to register. Please contact commuterservices [at] partners.org with questions.

Thirty-two electric vehicle charging stations are available for use on floors 2 through 5. There is a public fee of 30 cents per kWh and a reduced MGB fee of 18 cents per kWh to use the charging stations. Employees and students can register for this discount program by emailing their name, Institute ID, phone number, and IHP email address commuterservices [at] partners.org (to MGH Parking and Commuter Services). Please note an IHP email must be used for the program, personal emails will be charged the public charging station fees.

Nautica Garage

88 Constitution Road, Charlestown, MA

This garage is located across from the entrance to 2CW.

Visitors can park at Nautica Garage at the going public rate. Please visit Nautica Garage’s website for more information regarding daily rates. Parking is available on a first come first serve basis.

Faculty and staff can park at Nautica Garage at the going public rate. Please visit Nautica Garage’s website for more information regarding daily rates. Parking is available on a first come first serve basis.

Students can park at the Nautica Garage for a discounted rate of $15 per day, with ticket validation, for a maximum of 12 hours. After 12 hours, the charge will be the going public rate. Parking is available on a first come first serve basis.

Please note: All Nautica parking tickets must be validated by a 2CW or building 36 (Shouse) security officer for the discounted rate to be honored. Officers are located in the lobby of 2 Constitution Wharf and Building 36. Student discounts are available 7 days per week. Please contact nauticagarage [at] pilgrimparking.com (nauticagarage[at]pilgrimparking[dot]com) with any questions. 

Constitution Wharf Parking Lot

1 Constitution Road, Charlestown, MA 02129

This is the open parking lot between One Constitution Wharf (1CW) and Two Constitution Wharf (2CW).

We offer 4 hours of free parking per visit for our clients in this lot. 

When parking in the lot for the first time, you will be required to enter a phone number on a digital screen at the entry gate. (If you’d like to skip this step at the entry gate, please pre-register your vehicle.) This phone number will allow the parking company, VEND, to communicate with you. Once you have entered through the gate, VEND will text you. This text will be used in the validation process, discussed below.

If you have parked at the Constitution Wharf lot at least once and are driving the same car, you’ll be able to enter the lot automatically through automatic license plate recognition (LPR). However, if you are driving a different car than when you first entered the lot, you will be required to enter your phone number again upon arrival at the gate.

The front desk personnel can validate your parking in two ways.

Clients who are comfortable scanning QR codes using their smartphones:

  1. Ask personnel at the IMPACT Center front desk to validate your parking through QR code.
  2. The personnel will present you with a QR code. Scan the code with the smartphone camera you registered at the entry gate.
  3. Click the link that pops up to validate your parking. Once the QR code is scanned, this will apply the validation to your account.

Clients who prefer to provide their phone number for validation purposes:

  1. Ask personnel at the Sanders IPC front desk to validate your parking through your phone number.
  2. Tell the personnel either the phone number that you registered at the gate or your car’s license plate number to receive validated parking.
  3. Personnel will manually apply the validation to your account through an online web portal.

After obtaining validation, simply drive out. The gate should open automatically at the exit when the vehicle’s license plate is recognized. If you were in the lot for less than 15 minutes, no validation is needed.

The Constitution Wharf lot is equipped with an automatic license plate recognition system. When entering the lot for the first time, you will be required to enter a phone number on the digital screen at the entry gate. After entering, you will receive a text with a link to your parking session. This link will allow you to pay for your parking session via credit or debit card before leaving. If you do not have a smartphone that allows you to pay for parking on it, you will need to contact customer service upon exit at the gate to add payment details.

Public parking rates as of 2025

  • 1 hour or less: $10
  • 1-2 hours: $20
  • 2-10 hours: $25
  • Maximum daily rate: $32

Evening rates (enter after 5pm, exit before 5am) and weekends all day:

  • 0-1 hour $10
  • 1+ hour $18

IHP events: where parking validation is offered, please see the following information on how to obtain validation. 

  • Visitors may provide IHP personnel with either the phone number entered at the gate or the license plate of the car in which they arrive in. Parking validation will then be manually applied to your parking session

TD Garden Events:

The Constitution Wharf lot implements an event parking rate of $23. This rate begins 2 hours before the start of an event and ends either 2 hours after the event or at 11:59pm, which ever occurs first. Those who enter the lot during this time period will be charged a flat rate of $23. See list of all TD Garden events.

Faculty and staff of the MGH Institute of Health Professions may purchase a monthly parking pass for a reduced rate deducted pre-tax through payroll. Please contact campusservices [at] mghihp.edu (campusservices[at]mghihp[dot]edu) for information on pricing and how to enroll.

  • Parking is by pass only and provides unlimited 24-hour, 7-day access. The "pass" allows the license plate reader at the gate to digitally identify your vehicle.
  • Overnight parking requires prior approval.  Contact campusservices [at] mghihp.edu (campusservices[at]mghihp[dot]edu) for an Overnight Parking Request form.

Students may purchase semester parking passes for the Constitution Wharf Lot at a discounted rate of $977 per semester. Passes are valid during the following dates. 

  • Fall Semester: September 1- December 31
  • Spring Semester: January 1- April 30
  • Summer Semester: May 1- August 31

Limited passes are available on a first come first serve basis. For more information on how to sign up, please email the Office of Campus Services at campusservices [at] mghihp.edu (campusservices[at]mghihp[dot]edu)

If you receive rides to the IMPACT Practice Center from Uber/Lyft, taxis, etc., the driver will need to enter the their personal phone number on a digital screen at the entry gate. This phone number will allow the parking company, VEND, to communicate with the driver, enabling the opening and closing of the gate.

When validating parking, you will need to have either the phone number that you entered on the digital screen at the gate or the license plate of the Uber/Lyft, taxi, etc. vehicle.

If you receive rides to the IMPACT Practice Center from the MBTA RIDE paratransit service, the driver will need to enter their personal phone number or The Ride’s phone number, 617-222-3200 on a digital screen at the entry gate.

If you receive rides from a different paratransit service, the driver will need to enter their personal phone number or the business phone number of that service on a digital screen at the entry gate.

This phone number will allow the parking company, VEND, to communicate with the driver, enabling the opening and closing of the gate.

Public Transportation & MGB Shuttles

MGH Institute students, faculty, and staff are encouraged whenever possible to take public transportation and the free Mass General Brigham shuttle whenever traveling to and from campus. We offer a Student MBTA Pass Program and a Faculty/Staff discounted public transportation program.  

Faculty and staff may also park at Mass General Hospital on weekends, holidays and after hours for free. To be eligible for this, you need to go the Fruit Street Parking Office (on Fruit Street at Mass General Hospital) to have your photo ID badge programmed.

Non-Resident Student Drivers

Massachusetts state law requires that all full-time Massachusetts college students who operate a motor vehicle that is registered in another state, but which remains in the Commonwealth of MA for a period exceeding 30 days between September 1 of any year and August 31 of the following year, file a Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles “Non-Resident Student Driver Statement” application. This statement must be completed regardless if the student parks on campus. State law requires MGH Institute of Health Professions to post the following notice to all students who are not Massachusetts residents:

“It is unlawful for a non-resident student to fail to file a non-resident driver statement with the police department located in the same city or town as the school or college attended, in accordance with section 3 of chapter 90 of the Massachusetts general laws. Failure to file such a statement is punishable by a fine not to exceed $200.00.”

We are required by the Commonwealth to keep a record and provide proof to the state that students have been apprised of the law.

How to Apply and Obtain Your Decal
  1. Submit the completed “Non-Resident Student Driver Statement” to the Boston Police Department at the following address: Boston Police Department, 20 Vine Street, Boston, MA 02129
  2. Please email a copy of the completed “Non-Resident Student Driver Statement” to the Office of Campus Services at campusservices [at] mghihp.edu.
  3. Once the completed form is received, the Office of Campus Services will then issue a free, Commonwealth of Massachusetts non-resident student driver decal.
  4. The decal should be affixed to the upper-center portion of the front windshield of the student’s vehicle (behind the rear-view mirror).
  5. Students must re-apply and receive a new decal each year they are an IHP student. Decals are valid September 1- August 31 of each year.

No, the decal does not provide any parking privileges. Please contact the city in which you will be living for details regarding parking permits and resident parking stickers.

Non-resident students who maintain residency in another state and are living or commuting to Massachusetts do not have to register their vehicle with the MA RMV. However, some cities/ towns require students to register their vehicle in MA to receive a residential parking sticker or permit. 

​​​​If your car is registered out of state and you will be living in Massachusetts for more than 30 days, you must receive a decal regardless if you drive it to campus.

Unfortunately, they do not have an email address. Forms must either be mailed or physically brought to the listed address.

No, if your car is registered in Massachusetts, you do not need to fill out the form or receive a decal.


For questions regarding transportation, contact the Office of Campus Services at campusservices [at] mghihp.edu (campusservices[at]mghihp[dot]edu) or call (617) 643-7422.