IHP Directory

A comprehensive listing of faculty, staff & researchers

students walk on a brick path wet from rain with green foliage all around
MGH Institute Logo on stone

The mission of the JEDI Office is to transform health professions education and organizational culture to be more just and equitable.

MGH Institute Logo on stone

Care for clients with a range of orthopedic, neurological, and multisystem impairments who may not otherwise have access to physical therapy treatment.

  • (617) 726-2947
  • 36 1st Avenue Boston MA 02129-4557
MGH Institute Logo on stone

The Department houses two academic programs – the Entry-Level Doctor of Occupational Therapy and the Post-Professional Doctor of Occupational Therapy.

MGH Institute Logo on stone

The MGH Institute’s Online Prerequisites for the Health Professions provide students with the prerequisite content they need to succeed in graduate school and prepare for a career in healthcare.

MGH Institute Logo on stone

Innovation. Excellence. Leadership. Three words that capture our department’s traditions and aspirations. These features are embedded throughout our academic and scholarly activities and lived by our faculty and students.

  • (617) 726-8002
  • B34 - 3rd floor
MGH Institute Logo on stone

The Office of the Provost provides leadership in areas of academic and student affairs

MGH Institute Logo on stone

The Registrar’s Office maintains and preserves student academic records and serves as a conduit between students and programs for the communication and enforcement of academic policies in an effective and judicious manner.