Empower your nursing journey with specialized complex care training

12 module online self-paced course | Required on-campus weekend skills intensive

Continuous Skilled Nursing involves expert and compassionate care from RNs and LPNs for patients with complex medical needs, requiring nursing visits of more than two hours per day where patients need it most - their own homes, schools, and communities. There is a national shortage of complex care nurses to provide home-based care to patients and families who depend on these vital services. 

More than 900 people with complex conditions in Massachusetts depend on the care and support of specialized and dedicated nurses to stay safe, healthy, and at home. By helping patients stay out of the hospitals and institutional settings, you can make a remarkable difference in the lives of patients and families.

This Complex Care Training Program empowers nurses currently working in continuous skilled nursing/private duty nursing and those eager to embark on this specialized path. It is designed to enhance your skills, competencies, and confidence in this critical field, ensuring patients and families in need of this care receive it. 

We are offering this Complex Care Training Program with support from the Massachusetts Executive Office of Health and Human Services/MassHealth Office of Long Term Services and Supports. 


IMPORTANT: All course groups are currently full. We are accepting applications for waitlists in the event that the plans of any enrolled learners change. As spots become available, we will email eligible learners.


Good News: The Complex Care Training Program through Nightingale's Northern Nest is currently accepting applications. Please visit their website for more information.

This course includes online and on-site requirements. First, you will learn about complex care foundations, conditions, interventions, and care during a 12-module (each takes approx 3 hours to complete) asynchronous online course. You will listen to lectures, interviews with parents, and perspectives of expert clinicians on your own time and at your own pace. There will be many opportunities during the online course to drop in to optional Zoom chats with the course faculty and other students. 

Following the online modules, you will visit our Charlestown campus for a weekend skills intensive. During the skills intensive, you will learn and practice nursing skills commonly performed in the course of care for patients with complex conditions.

Scheduled items include:

  • Welcome Zoom sessions: will be recorded for those unable to attend. 
  • Rotating Zoom drop-ins: two choices per course week.
  • Recommended completion dates for each of the 12 modules: completing a module consists of taking a pre-quiz, listening to or watching the recordings, and taking a post-quiz. It is suggested to complete the modules at a pace of one per week.
  • Required weekend skills intensive

We will be offering the Complex Care Training Program for four groups.

  Welcome Zoom Sessions Modules Open* On-Site Intensive Status
Group A March 17&18, 2024 March 17 - June 21, 2024 June 22&23, 2024 Waitlist
Group B April 1&2, 2024 April 1 - July 12, 2024 July 13&14, 2024 Waitlist
Group C October 6&7, 2024 October 6, 2024 - January 10, 2025 January 11&12, 2025 Waitlist
Group D October 20&21, 2024 October 20, 2024 - January 31, 2025 February 1&2, 2025 Waitlist

As the cohorts move to waitlist status or fill, we will update this section.

*Each of the 12 modules takes approximately 3 hours to complete, trainees should budget their time accordingly. 

  • LPNs licensed in Massachusetts in good standing
  • RNs licensed in Massachusetts in good standing
  • Nursing students who have finished their RN or LPN program and are waiting to take the NCLEX
    • A letter from the program director/academic advisor indicating the student is in good standing and has completed or will complete the nursing program before the start of the course will be required.

Nurses may have current, past, or no prior experience with continuous skilled nursing services or complex care.

  • Learning materials: Access to all learning materials will be provided free-of-charge for trainees. 
  • Course check-ins: In addition to the drop-in zoom sessions, program staff will check in with any trainees who do not score 90% or better following two attempts of the module quizzes. Don’t panic - this training program does not have a formal grade! The purpose of our quizzes and check-ins is to ensure you have the tools and supports you need to be successful. We will also be calling each trainee individually at mid-term and before the skills intensive.
  • Staff accessibility: Program staff will always be available by email for any questions or concerns, and can meet for a phone call or zoom session.
  • Employment support: The skills intensive will include a job fair with local MassHealth enrolled agencies who provide continuous skilled nursing services. Program faculty will follow up individually with each trainee 1, 2, and 6 months after course completion to check in on CSN employment and offer help with securing a complex care job or enrolling as a MassHealth independent nurse contractor as needed. Please note, while we are certainly hopeful that all trainees will enter complex care continuous skilled nursing services in some capacity (per-diem to full-time), we understand nurses have many options and interests; accepting a certain job is not a program requirement.
  • Skills intensive support: We understand the travel and associated costs can create hardship and barriers to attending a program like ours. We offer free parking passes on-site at the IHP during the skills weekends and breakfast and lunch both days for all trainees. If you live 50 or more miles away from the IHP campus you may access up to $300 to support a hotel stay near the campus.
  • Stipend: We appreciate the personal time you will invest in learning about complex care and preparing to become a continuous skilled nursing services nurse. In appreciation of your time, trainees will receive a $3000 stipend on program completion.
  • Continuing Education Credit: Trainees will receive NCPD (Nursing Continuing Professional Development, formerly known as CEUs or CE) on completion of the program and associated evaluations.

To apply for this course, you must complete our form. It does not confirm or guarantee enrollment. Our program coordinator will verify your eligibility as well as space available in your preferred cohort dates and contact you to confirm enrollment or offer a spot on the wait list. 




Fulfill the Need


CSN hours unfilled for MassHealth members in 2020*

girl in wheelchair is helped by woman in maroon scrubs

Why is Continuous Skilled Nursing important?

Filling the gap in care for patients with complex medical needs can spell the difference between a parent keeping their job or being forced to exit the workforce to care for a child. Providing this care means you can be the difference between medical conditions receiving timely attention or going unnoticed, and families staying together or being separated.

2.8 million

hours of complex nursing care needed

Continuing Education Credits

Trainees will receive NCPD (Nursing Continuing Professional Development, formerly known as CEUs or CE) on completion of the program and associated evaluations.